Monday, February 10, 2003

Evil connection gremlins, emoticons, 555 telephone numbers

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SIMON.. I hope you have a good one today! :) It's been good getting to know you.

I am NOT amused, mainly because evil connection gremlins apparently decided to invade my computer this morning. Took me over an hour and 40 minutes (including a longish call to tech support) to get things all resolved... aiya! Of course, I lost all potential time I might have had for hilarious conversation with some people I know. End result: one very unhappy hamsterette. (yes, things are working now, but STILL.....) It's time for some soothing stuff now.. oooh yeah.

The emoticons in MSN Messenger are really varied.. in fact, I often feel the need to use a "thumbs-up" graphic (in a slightly sarcastic way, like one of my friends does) when I'm on AIM or Yahoo. But even though Yahoo's smiley list is varied as well, there IS no icon that will give me what I need. AIM and ICQ are even worse.. they just give you relatively few stock smileys. I just like being sarcastic sometimes.. so is it any wonder I like being on MSN? (hehehehe) Then again, MSN is evil at times.. it always seems to boot me off! Oh well.. naught to be done about it.

Here's something about all those "555" (or KLondike 5) telephone numbers you see in movies: it's the telephone exchange often used for phone numbers in films and TV, because it is reserved by phone companies nationwide for directory assistance. Thus, any phone number starting with 555 can never be the real phone number of a person or company.

Explanation of username: Basically: When I was in Grade 9, I somehow thought I needed a word to describe myself. No, not a word... more like a cool nickname! (or what I thought was cool at the time) Since I wanted it to be at least somewhat meaningful, I thought about what it should be for quite a while, before coming up with Flamster.

F = Friends
L = Laughter
A = And (okay, so I know that generally speaking, connecting words aren't used as part of an acronym unless it's the first word, as in The Sports Network, but I didn't really know that then!)
M = Music

Then I added the suffix "-ster" (as in "Billster") to make the whole thing look better.... there I had it!

Some time later, I was playing Earthbound! and wanted to use this name as a character name, but the game would only accept names with up to five letters. Ergo, Flami! After that, I decided to go with Flamsterette and Flamsterette_X just because I felt like it! (hey.. it was my nickname, right? :D)

So that's the explanation in detail!

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