LJ equivalent on May 4, 2012.
This is the complete bestiary for FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE, and all screenshots are from my own playthrough. I know that this bestiary GameFAQs document helped me a lot; thank you! The list doesn't include the unlisted monsters like the Doberman and the various Glutturns. Also, this walkthrough helped a lot when I was stuck in the game. Here's an amazing codes document.
Note: Game Boy Advance name FIRST, then SNES name if applicable.
With the help of the below video, I was finally able to get past all the frustrating bridges and green guys!
#001: Guard / Guard
#002: Silver Lobo / Lobo
#003: Megalodoth / Vomammoth
#004: Wererat / Were-Rat
#005: Spritzer / Vaporite
#006: Bandit / Repo Man
#007: Leaf Bunny / Leafer
#008: Darkwind / Dark Wind
#009: Sand Ray / Sand Ray
#010: Alacran / Areneid
#011: Foper / Bleary
#012: Hornet / Hornet
#013: Urok / Crawly
#014: Belmodar / Rhinotaur
#015: Unseelie / GreaseMonk
#016: Mu / Rhodox
#017: Zaghrem / Brawler
#018: Trillium / Trillium
#019: Gorgias / Tusker
#020: Cirpius / Cirpius
#021: Lesser Lopros / Pterodon
#022: Nautiloid / Nautiloid
#023: Exocite / Exocite
#024: Heavy Armor / HeavyArmor
#025: Commander / Commander
#026: Vector Hound / Vector Pup
#027: Cartagra / Trilobiter
#028: Acrophies / Primordite
#029: Gold Bear / Gold Bear
#030: Valeor / 1st Class
#031: Wild Rat / Wild Rat
#032: Stray Cat / Stray Cat
#033: Aepyornis / Beakor
#034: Nettlehopper / CrassHoppr
#035: Chippirabbit / Rhobite
#036: Captain / Leader
#037: Imperial Soldier / Soldier
#038: Templar / Templar
#039: Satellite / Telstar
#040: Ghost / Ghost
#041: Poplium / Poplium
#042: Cloud / Hazer
#043: Angel Whisper / Whisper
#044: Oversoul / Over-Mind
#045: Bomb / Bomb
#046: Living Dead / StillGoing
#047: Apparition / Specter
#048: Siegfried / Siegfried (boss)
#049: Opinicus Fish / Piranha
#050: Anguiform / Anguiform
#051: Aspiran / Aspik
#052: Actinian / Actaneon
#053: Fidor / Fidor (mini-boss)
#054: Corporal / Trooper (mini-boss)
#055: Hunting Hound / Bounty Man (mini-boss)
#056: Fossil Dragon / FossilFang
#057: Vulture / Vulture
#058: Iron Fist / Iron Fist
#059: Bloodfang / Red Fang
#060: Rock Wasp / Mind Candy
#061: Paraladia / Over Grunk
#062: Harvester / Harvester
#063: Hill Gigas / HadesGigas
#064: Gobbledygook / Gabbldegak
#065: Veil Dancer / SlamDancer
#066: Stunner / Sewer Rat
#067: Goetia / Vermin
#068: Litwor Chicken / ChickenLip
#069: Joker / Joker
#070: Don / Ralph
#071: Wyvern / Wyvern
#072: Grasswyrm / WeedFeeder
#073: Grenade / Grenade
#074: Bug / Bug
#075: Onion Knight / Pipsqueak
#076: Sergeant / Commando
#077: Belzecue / Garm
#078: Proto Armor / ProtoArmor
#079: Trapper / Trapper
#080: Flan / Flan
#081: General / General
#082: Destroyer / Rhinox
#083: Lenergia / Gobbler
#084: Magna Roader (Purple) / Mag Roader [mini-boss]
#085: Magna Roader (Red) / Mag Roader [mini-boss]
#086: Chaser / Chaser
#087: Outcast / Ing
#088: Provoker / Apparite
#089: Zombie Dragon / Zombone
#090: Antares / Coelecite
#091: Lich / Lich
#092: Imperial Elite / Sp Forces
#093: Mega Armor / Mega Armor
#094: Briareus / Baskervor
#095: Devourer / Cephaler
#096: Chimera / Chimera
#097: Intangir / Intangir
#098: Balloon / Balloon
#099: Bonnacon / Slurm
#100: Land Grillon / Insecare
#101: Adamankary / Adamanchyt
#102: Mandrake / Mandrake
#103: Venobennu / Abolisher
#104: Sky Armor / Sky Armor (mini-boss)
#105: Spitfire / Spit Fire (mini-boss)
#106: Brainpan / Brainpan
#107: Misfit / Misfit
#108: Apocrypha / Apokryphos
#109: Dragon / Dragon
#110: Platinum Dragon / Wirey Drgn
#111: Behemoth / Behemoth
#112: Ninja / Ninja
#113: Naude / Naughty (mini-boss)
#114: Fafnir / Mesosaur
#115: Killer Mantis / Gilomantis
#116: Peeper / Peepers
#117: Murussu / Chitonid
#118: Gigantoad / Gigan Toad
#119: Land Ray / EarthGuard
#120: Luna Wolf / Lunaris
#121: Black Dragon / Black Drgn
#122: Rukh / Osprey
#123: Zokka / HermitCrab
#124: Nightwalker / Pm Stalker
#125: Scorpion / Scorpion
#126: Delta Beetle / Delta Bug
#127: Vampire Thorn / Bloompire
#128: Lizard / Lizard
#129: Devoahan / Buffalax
#130: Sandhorse / Sand Horse
#131: Cancer / Maliga
#132: Oceanus / Latimeria
#133: Desert Hare / Nohrabbit
#134: Humpty / Humpty
#135: Cruller / Cruller
#136: Dropper / Drop
#137: Neck Hunter / NeckHunter
#138: Dante / Dante
#139: Bogy / Bogy
#140: Marchosias / Harpiai
#141: Deepeye / Deep Eye
#142: Mousse / Muus
#143: Borghese / Orog
#144: Malboro / Mad Oscar
#145: Cloudwraith / PowerDemon
#146: Exoray / Exoray
#147: Skeletal Horror / Osteosaur
#148: Mugbear / Ursus
#149: Devil Fist / Scrapper
#150: Luridan / Luridan
#151: Punisher / Punisher
#152: Glasya Labolas / Borras
#153: Gorgimera / Rhyos
#154: Twinscythe / Toe Cutter
#155: Death Warden / Allo Ver
#156: Misty / Dahling
#157: Rafflesia / Nightshade
#158: Still Life / Still Life
#159: Coeurl Cat / Wild Cat
#160: Crusher / Crusher
#161: Blade Dancer / SoulDancer
#162: Caladrius / Vindr
#163: Ouroboros / Uroburos
#164: Face / Phase
#165: Zeveak / Parasoul
#166: Seaflower / Sea Flower
#167: Galypdes / Aquila
#168: Necromancer / Necromancr
#169: Clymenus / Trixter
#170: Chaos Dragon / Chaos Drgn
#171: Brachiosaur / Brachosaur
#172: Tyrannosaur / Tyranosaur
#173: Tumbleweed / TumbleWeed
#174: Leap Frog / Reach Frog
#175: Slagworm / Hoover
#176: Cactuar / Cactrot
#177: Crawler / Crawler
#178: Sprinter / Sprinter
#179: Basilisk / Geckorex
#180: Lycaon / Spek Tor
#181: Greater Mantis / Mantodea
#182: Test Rider / Test Rider
#183: Wizard / Wizard
#184: Lukhavi / Nastidon
#185: Magna Roader (Yellow) / Mag Roader
#186: Magna Roader (Brown) / Mag Roader
#187: Psychos / Psychot
#188: Garm / Red Wolf
#189: Tonberry / Pug
#190: Onion Dasher / Tomb Thumb
#191: Anemone / Anemone
#192: Illuyankas / Ceritops
#193: Knotty / Poppers
#194: Tzakmaqiel / Kiwok
#195: Zone Eater / Zone Eater
#196. Vasegiatta / Harpy
#197. Gloomwind / GloomShell
#198. Purusa / Prussian
#199. Covert / Covert
#200. Kamui / Ogor
#201. Wartpuck / Wart Puck
#202. Shambling Corpse / Karkass
#203. Amduscias / Tap Dancer
#204. Baalzephon / Woolly
#205. Samurai / Samurai
#206. Al Jabr / Rain Man
#207. Suriander / Suriander
#208. Weredragon / Allosaurus
#209. Schmidt / Sky Cap
#210. Pluto Armor / PlutoArmor
#211. Alluring Rider / Critic
#212. Pandora / Pan Dora
#213: Parasite / Parasite
#214: Coco / Barb-e
#215. Io / Io
#216. Armored Weapon / Lethal Wpn
#217. Lunatys / Boxed Set
#218. Figaro Lizard / Figaliz
#219. Devil / Goblin
#220. Enuo / Enuo
#221. Magic Urn / Magic Urn
#222. Level 10 Magic / L.10 Magic
#223. Level 20 Magic / L.20 Magic
#224. Level 30 Magic / L.30 Magic
#225. Level 40 Magic / L.40 Magic
#226. Level 50 Magic / L.50 Magic
#227. Level 60 Magic / L.60 Magic
#228. Level 70 Magic / L.70 Magic
#229. Level 80 Magic / L.80 Magic
#230. Level 90 Magic / L.90 Magic
#231. Warlock / Warlock
#232. Mahadeva / Displayer
#233. Sorath / Slatter
#234. Medusa Chicken / Cluck
#235. Creature / Eland
#236. Moonform / Hipocampus
#237. Aspidochelon / Opinicus
#238. Siegfried / Siegfried (Coliseum)
#239. Yojimbo / Retainer
#240. Dark Force / Dark Force
#241. Muud Suud / Steroidite
#242. Fiend Dragon / Doom Drgn
#243. Mover / Mover
#244. Cherry / Madam
#245. Vector Lythos / Vectaur
#246. Primeval Dragon / Brontaur
#247. Landworm / Land Worm
#248. Gamma / Scullion
#249. Great Malboro / Evil Oscar
#250. Outsider / Outsider
#251. Demon Knight / Hemophyte
#252. Duel Armor / Dueller
#253. Great Behemoth / GtBehemoth
#254: Vector Chimera / Vectagoyle
#255: Fortis / Fortis
#256: Junk / Junk
#257: InnoSent / Innoc
#258: Daedalus / Didalos
#259: Ahriman / Veteran
#260: Death Machine / Sky Base
#261: Metal Hitman / IronHitman
#262: Prometheus / Prometheus
#263: Zurvan
#264: Vilia
#265: Great Dragon
#266: Abaddon
#267: Dragon Aevis
#268: Dinozombie
#269: Death Rider
#270: Shield Dragon
#271: Maximera
#272: Hexadragon
#273: Magic Dragon
#274: Armodullahan
#275: Crystal Dragon
#276: Ymir (Shell) / Whelk [boss]
#277: Ymir (Head) / Head [boss]
#278: Guard Leader / Marshal [boss]
#279: Magitek Armor / M-TekArmor [boss]
#280: Vargas / Vargas [boss]
#281: Ipooh / Ipooh [boss]
#282: Ultros / Ultros (boss 1; Lethe River)
#283: Tunnel Armor / TunnelArmr (boss)
#284: Phantom Train / GhostTrain (boss)
#285: Rhizopas / Rhizopas
#286: Hell's Rider / Rider (mini-boss)
#287: Kefka / Kefka (Narshe)
#288: Dadaluma / Dadaluma
#289: Ultros / Ultros (boss 2; Opera House)
#290: Ifrit / Ifrit (boss)
#291: Shiva / Shiva (boss)
#292: Number 024 / Number 024 (boss)
#293: Number 128 / Number 128 (boss)
#294: Right Blade / RightBlade (boss)
#295: Left Blade / Left Blade (boss)
#296: Crane / Crane (boss 1)
#297: Crane / Crane [boss 2]
#298: Flame Eater / FlameEater (boss)
#299: Ultros / Ultros (boss 3; Esper Caves)
#300: Typhon / Chupon (boss)
#301: Ultros / Ultros (boss 4; enroute to Floating Continent)
#302: Air Force / Air Force (boss)
#303: Laser Gun / Laser Gun (boss)
#304: Missile Bay / MissileBay (boss)
#305: Bit / Speck (boss)
#306: Gigantos / Gigantos
#307: Ultima Weapon / AtmaWeapon (mini-boss)
#308: Nelapa / Nerapa (mini-boss)
#309: Humbaba / Phunbaba (boss)
#310: Tentacle (Bottom-Right) / Tentacle [boss]
#311: Tentacle (Top-Right) / Tentacle [boss]
#312: Tentacle (Bottom-Left) / Tentacle [boss]
#313: Tentacle (Top-Left) / Tentacle [boss]
#314: Angler Whelk (Shell) / Presenter [boss]
#315: Angler Whelk (Head) / Whelk Head [boss]
#316: Dullahan / Dullahan [boss]
#317: Behemoth King / SrBehemoth [boss]
#318: Behemoth King (Undead) / SrBehemoth [boss]
#319: Chadarnook / Chadarnook [boss]
#320: Valigarmanda / Tritoch [boss]
#321: Tonberries / Pugs [boss]
#322: Yeti / Umaro [boss]
#323: Curlax / Curley [boss]
#324: Laragorn / Larry [boss]
#325: Moebius / Moe [boss]
#326: Wrexsoul / Wrexsoul [boss]
#327: Soul Saver / SoulSaver
#328: Master Tonberry / Master Pug
#329: Samurai Soul / KatanaSoul
#330: Magic Master / MagiMaster
#331: Deathgaze / Doom Gaze
#332: Hidon / Hidon (boss)
#333: Erebus / Hidonite (boss 1)
#334: Erebus / Hidonite (boss 2)
#335: Erebus / Hidonite (boss 3)
#336: Erebus / Hidonite (boss 4)
#337: Red Dragon / Red Dragon (boss 1)
#338: Blue Dragon / Blue Drgn (boss 1)
#339: Gold Dragon / Gold Drgn (boss 1)
#340: Ice Dragon / Ice Dragon (boss 1)
#341: Storm Dragon / Storm Drgn (boss 1)
#342: Earth Dragon / Dirt Drgn (boss 1)
#343: Skull Dragon / Skull Drgn (boss 1)
#344: Holy Dragon / White Drgn (boss 1)
#345: Gigantuar (boss)
#346: Leviathan [boss]
#347: Gilgamesh [boss]
#348: Inferno / Inferno (boss)
#349: Rahu / Rough (boss)
#350: Ketu / Striker (boss)
#351: Ultima Buster / Atma (boss)
#352: Guardian / Guardian (boss)
#353: Fiend / Doom (boss)
#354: Goddess / Goddess (boss)
#355: Demon / Poltrgeist (boss)
#356: Short Arm / Short Arm (boss)
#357: Long Arm / Long Arm (boss)
#358: Visage / Face [boss]
#359: Tiger / Tiger [boss]
#360: Machine / Tools [boss]
#361: Magic / Magic [boss]
#362: Power / Hit [boss]
#363: Lady / Girl [boss]
#364: Rest / Sleep [boss]
#365: Kefka / Kefka [big boss]
#366: Plague [boss]
#367: Flan Princess [boss]
#368: Neslug (Shell) [boss]
#369: Neslug (Head) [boss]
#370: Earth Eater [boss]
#371: Gargantua [boss]
#372: Malboro Menace [boss]
#373: Abyss Worm [boss]
#374: Dark Behemoth [boss]
#375: Red Dragon [boss 2]
#376: Blue Dragon [boss 2]
#377: Gold Dragon [boss 2]
#378: Ice Dragon [boss 2]
#379: Storm Dragon [boss 2]
#380: Earth Dragon [boss 2]
#381: Skull Dragon [boss 2]
#382: Holy Dragon [boss 2]
#383: Kaiser Dragon [big boss]
#384: Omega Weapon [big boss]
This is the complete bestiary for FINAL FANTASY VI ADVANCE, and all screenshots are from my own playthrough. I know that this bestiary GameFAQs document helped me a lot; thank you! The list doesn't include the unlisted monsters like the Doberman and the various Glutturns. Also, this walkthrough helped a lot when I was stuck in the game. Here's an amazing codes document.
Note: Game Boy Advance name FIRST, then SNES name if applicable.
With the help of the below video, I was finally able to get past all the frustrating bridges and green guys!
#001: Guard / Guard
#002: Silver Lobo / Lobo
#003: Megalodoth / Vomammoth
#004: Wererat / Were-Rat
#005: Spritzer / Vaporite
#006: Bandit / Repo Man
#007: Leaf Bunny / Leafer
#008: Darkwind / Dark Wind
#009: Sand Ray / Sand Ray
#010: Alacran / Areneid
#011: Foper / Bleary
#012: Hornet / Hornet
#013: Urok / Crawly
#014: Belmodar / Rhinotaur
#015: Unseelie / GreaseMonk
#016: Mu / Rhodox
#017: Zaghrem / Brawler
#018: Trillium / Trillium
#019: Gorgias / Tusker
#020: Cirpius / Cirpius
#021: Lesser Lopros / Pterodon
#022: Nautiloid / Nautiloid
#023: Exocite / Exocite
#024: Heavy Armor / HeavyArmor
#025: Commander / Commander
#026: Vector Hound / Vector Pup
#027: Cartagra / Trilobiter
#028: Acrophies / Primordite
#029: Gold Bear / Gold Bear
#030: Valeor / 1st Class
#031: Wild Rat / Wild Rat
#032: Stray Cat / Stray Cat
#033: Aepyornis / Beakor
#034: Nettlehopper / CrassHoppr
#035: Chippirabbit / Rhobite
#036: Captain / Leader
#037: Imperial Soldier / Soldier
#038: Templar / Templar
#039: Satellite / Telstar
#040: Ghost / Ghost
#041: Poplium / Poplium
#042: Cloud / Hazer
#043: Angel Whisper / Whisper
#044: Oversoul / Over-Mind
#045: Bomb / Bomb
#046: Living Dead / StillGoing
#047: Apparition / Specter
#048: Siegfried / Siegfried (boss)
#049: Opinicus Fish / Piranha
#050: Anguiform / Anguiform
#051: Aspiran / Aspik
#052: Actinian / Actaneon
#053: Fidor / Fidor (mini-boss)
#054: Corporal / Trooper (mini-boss)
#055: Hunting Hound / Bounty Man (mini-boss)
#056: Fossil Dragon / FossilFang
#057: Vulture / Vulture
#058: Iron Fist / Iron Fist
#059: Bloodfang / Red Fang
#060: Rock Wasp / Mind Candy
#061: Paraladia / Over Grunk
#062: Harvester / Harvester
#063: Hill Gigas / HadesGigas
#064: Gobbledygook / Gabbldegak
#065: Veil Dancer / SlamDancer
#066: Stunner / Sewer Rat
#067: Goetia / Vermin
#068: Litwor Chicken / ChickenLip
#069: Joker / Joker
#070: Don / Ralph
#071: Wyvern / Wyvern
#072: Grasswyrm / WeedFeeder
#073: Grenade / Grenade
#074: Bug / Bug
#075: Onion Knight / Pipsqueak
#076: Sergeant / Commando
#077: Belzecue / Garm
#078: Proto Armor / ProtoArmor
#079: Trapper / Trapper
#080: Flan / Flan
#081: General / General
#082: Destroyer / Rhinox
#083: Lenergia / Gobbler
#084: Magna Roader (Purple) / Mag Roader [mini-boss]
#085: Magna Roader (Red) / Mag Roader [mini-boss]
#086: Chaser / Chaser
#087: Outcast / Ing
#088: Provoker / Apparite
#089: Zombie Dragon / Zombone
#090: Antares / Coelecite
#091: Lich / Lich
#092: Imperial Elite / Sp Forces
#093: Mega Armor / Mega Armor
#094: Briareus / Baskervor
#095: Devourer / Cephaler
#096: Chimera / Chimera
#097: Intangir / Intangir
#098: Balloon / Balloon
#099: Bonnacon / Slurm
#100: Land Grillon / Insecare
#101: Adamankary / Adamanchyt
#102: Mandrake / Mandrake
#103: Venobennu / Abolisher
#104: Sky Armor / Sky Armor (mini-boss)
#105: Spitfire / Spit Fire (mini-boss)
#106: Brainpan / Brainpan
#107: Misfit / Misfit
#108: Apocrypha / Apokryphos
#109: Dragon / Dragon
#110: Platinum Dragon / Wirey Drgn
#111: Behemoth / Behemoth
#112: Ninja / Ninja
#113: Naude / Naughty (mini-boss)
#114: Fafnir / Mesosaur
#115: Killer Mantis / Gilomantis
#116: Peeper / Peepers
#117: Murussu / Chitonid
#118: Gigantoad / Gigan Toad
#119: Land Ray / EarthGuard
#120: Luna Wolf / Lunaris
#121: Black Dragon / Black Drgn
#122: Rukh / Osprey
#123: Zokka / HermitCrab
#124: Nightwalker / Pm Stalker
#125: Scorpion / Scorpion
#126: Delta Beetle / Delta Bug
#127: Vampire Thorn / Bloompire
#128: Lizard / Lizard
#129: Devoahan / Buffalax
#130: Sandhorse / Sand Horse
#131: Cancer / Maliga
#132: Oceanus / Latimeria
#133: Desert Hare / Nohrabbit
#134: Humpty / Humpty
#135: Cruller / Cruller
#136: Dropper / Drop
#137: Neck Hunter / NeckHunter
#138: Dante / Dante
#139: Bogy / Bogy
#140: Marchosias / Harpiai
#141: Deepeye / Deep Eye
#142: Mousse / Muus
#143: Borghese / Orog
#144: Malboro / Mad Oscar
#145: Cloudwraith / PowerDemon
#146: Exoray / Exoray
#147: Skeletal Horror / Osteosaur
#148: Mugbear / Ursus
#149: Devil Fist / Scrapper
#150: Luridan / Luridan
#151: Punisher / Punisher
#152: Glasya Labolas / Borras
#153: Gorgimera / Rhyos
#154: Twinscythe / Toe Cutter
#155: Death Warden / Allo Ver
#156: Misty / Dahling
#157: Rafflesia / Nightshade
#158: Still Life / Still Life
#159: Coeurl Cat / Wild Cat
#160: Crusher / Crusher
#161: Blade Dancer / SoulDancer
#162: Caladrius / Vindr
#163: Ouroboros / Uroburos
#164: Face / Phase
#165: Zeveak / Parasoul
#166: Seaflower / Sea Flower
#167: Galypdes / Aquila
#168: Necromancer / Necromancr
#169: Clymenus / Trixter
#170: Chaos Dragon / Chaos Drgn
#171: Brachiosaur / Brachosaur
#172: Tyrannosaur / Tyranosaur
#173: Tumbleweed / TumbleWeed
#174: Leap Frog / Reach Frog
#175: Slagworm / Hoover
#176: Cactuar / Cactrot
#177: Crawler / Crawler
#178: Sprinter / Sprinter
#179: Basilisk / Geckorex
#180: Lycaon / Spek Tor
#181: Greater Mantis / Mantodea
#182: Test Rider / Test Rider
#183: Wizard / Wizard
#184: Lukhavi / Nastidon
#185: Magna Roader (Yellow) / Mag Roader
#186: Magna Roader (Brown) / Mag Roader
#187: Psychos / Psychot
#188: Garm / Red Wolf
#189: Tonberry / Pug
#190: Onion Dasher / Tomb Thumb
#191: Anemone / Anemone
#192: Illuyankas / Ceritops
#193: Knotty / Poppers
#194: Tzakmaqiel / Kiwok
#195: Zone Eater / Zone Eater
#196. Vasegiatta / Harpy
#197. Gloomwind / GloomShell
#198. Purusa / Prussian
#199. Covert / Covert
#200. Kamui / Ogor
#201. Wartpuck / Wart Puck
#202. Shambling Corpse / Karkass
#203. Amduscias / Tap Dancer
#204. Baalzephon / Woolly
#205. Samurai / Samurai
#206. Al Jabr / Rain Man
#207. Suriander / Suriander
#208. Weredragon / Allosaurus
#209. Schmidt / Sky Cap
#210. Pluto Armor / PlutoArmor
#211. Alluring Rider / Critic
#212. Pandora / Pan Dora
#213: Parasite / Parasite
#214: Coco / Barb-e
#215. Io / Io
#216. Armored Weapon / Lethal Wpn
#217. Lunatys / Boxed Set
#218. Figaro Lizard / Figaliz
#219. Devil / Goblin
#220. Enuo / Enuo
#221. Magic Urn / Magic Urn
#222. Level 10 Magic / L.10 Magic
#223. Level 20 Magic / L.20 Magic
#224. Level 30 Magic / L.30 Magic
#225. Level 40 Magic / L.40 Magic
#226. Level 50 Magic / L.50 Magic
#227. Level 60 Magic / L.60 Magic
#228. Level 70 Magic / L.70 Magic
#229. Level 80 Magic / L.80 Magic
#230. Level 90 Magic / L.90 Magic
#231. Warlock / Warlock
#232. Mahadeva / Displayer
#233. Sorath / Slatter
#234. Medusa Chicken / Cluck
#235. Creature / Eland
#236. Moonform / Hipocampus
#237. Aspidochelon / Opinicus
#238. Siegfried / Siegfried (Coliseum)
#239. Yojimbo / Retainer
#240. Dark Force / Dark Force
#241. Muud Suud / Steroidite
#242. Fiend Dragon / Doom Drgn
#243. Mover / Mover
#244. Cherry / Madam
#245. Vector Lythos / Vectaur
#246. Primeval Dragon / Brontaur
#247. Landworm / Land Worm
#248. Gamma / Scullion
#249. Great Malboro / Evil Oscar
#250. Outsider / Outsider
#251. Demon Knight / Hemophyte
#252. Duel Armor / Dueller
#253. Great Behemoth / GtBehemoth
#254: Vector Chimera / Vectagoyle
#255: Fortis / Fortis
#256: Junk / Junk
#257: InnoSent / Innoc
#258: Daedalus / Didalos
#259: Ahriman / Veteran
#260: Death Machine / Sky Base
#261: Metal Hitman / IronHitman
#262: Prometheus / Prometheus
#263: Zurvan
#264: Vilia
#265: Great Dragon
#266: Abaddon
#267: Dragon Aevis
#268: Dinozombie
#269: Death Rider
#270: Shield Dragon
#271: Maximera
#272: Hexadragon
#273: Magic Dragon
#274: Armodullahan
#275: Crystal Dragon
#276: Ymir (Shell) / Whelk [boss]
#277: Ymir (Head) / Head [boss]
#278: Guard Leader / Marshal [boss]
#279: Magitek Armor / M-TekArmor [boss]
#280: Vargas / Vargas [boss]
#281: Ipooh / Ipooh [boss]
#282: Ultros / Ultros (boss 1; Lethe River)
#283: Tunnel Armor / TunnelArmr (boss)
#284: Phantom Train / GhostTrain (boss)
#285: Rhizopas / Rhizopas
#286: Hell's Rider / Rider (mini-boss)
#287: Kefka / Kefka (Narshe)
#288: Dadaluma / Dadaluma
#289: Ultros / Ultros (boss 2; Opera House)
#290: Ifrit / Ifrit (boss)
#291: Shiva / Shiva (boss)
#292: Number 024 / Number 024 (boss)
#293: Number 128 / Number 128 (boss)
#294: Right Blade / RightBlade (boss)
#295: Left Blade / Left Blade (boss)
#296: Crane / Crane (boss 1)
#297: Crane / Crane [boss 2]
#298: Flame Eater / FlameEater (boss)
#299: Ultros / Ultros (boss 3; Esper Caves)
#300: Typhon / Chupon (boss)
#301: Ultros / Ultros (boss 4; enroute to Floating Continent)
#302: Air Force / Air Force (boss)
#303: Laser Gun / Laser Gun (boss)
#304: Missile Bay / MissileBay (boss)
#305: Bit / Speck (boss)
#306: Gigantos / Gigantos
#307: Ultima Weapon / AtmaWeapon (mini-boss)
#308: Nelapa / Nerapa (mini-boss)
#309: Humbaba / Phunbaba (boss)
#310: Tentacle (Bottom-Right) / Tentacle [boss]
#311: Tentacle (Top-Right) / Tentacle [boss]
#312: Tentacle (Bottom-Left) / Tentacle [boss]
#313: Tentacle (Top-Left) / Tentacle [boss]
#314: Angler Whelk (Shell) / Presenter [boss]
#315: Angler Whelk (Head) / Whelk Head [boss]
#316: Dullahan / Dullahan [boss]
#317: Behemoth King / SrBehemoth [boss]
#318: Behemoth King (Undead) / SrBehemoth [boss]
#319: Chadarnook / Chadarnook [boss]
#320: Valigarmanda / Tritoch [boss]
#321: Tonberries / Pugs [boss]
#322: Yeti / Umaro [boss]
#323: Curlax / Curley [boss]
#324: Laragorn / Larry [boss]
#325: Moebius / Moe [boss]
#326: Wrexsoul / Wrexsoul [boss]
#327: Soul Saver / SoulSaver
#328: Master Tonberry / Master Pug
#329: Samurai Soul / KatanaSoul
#330: Magic Master / MagiMaster
#331: Deathgaze / Doom Gaze
#332: Hidon / Hidon (boss)
#333: Erebus / Hidonite (boss 1)
#334: Erebus / Hidonite (boss 2)
#335: Erebus / Hidonite (boss 3)
#336: Erebus / Hidonite (boss 4)
#337: Red Dragon / Red Dragon (boss 1)
#338: Blue Dragon / Blue Drgn (boss 1)
#339: Gold Dragon / Gold Drgn (boss 1)
#340: Ice Dragon / Ice Dragon (boss 1)
#341: Storm Dragon / Storm Drgn (boss 1)
#342: Earth Dragon / Dirt Drgn (boss 1)
#343: Skull Dragon / Skull Drgn (boss 1)
#344: Holy Dragon / White Drgn (boss 1)
#345: Gigantuar (boss)
#346: Leviathan [boss]
#347: Gilgamesh [boss]
#348: Inferno / Inferno (boss)
#349: Rahu / Rough (boss)
#350: Ketu / Striker (boss)
#351: Ultima Buster / Atma (boss)
#352: Guardian / Guardian (boss)
#353: Fiend / Doom (boss)
#354: Goddess / Goddess (boss)
#355: Demon / Poltrgeist (boss)
#356: Short Arm / Short Arm (boss)
#357: Long Arm / Long Arm (boss)
#358: Visage / Face [boss]
#359: Tiger / Tiger [boss]
#360: Machine / Tools [boss]
#361: Magic / Magic [boss]
#362: Power / Hit [boss]
#363: Lady / Girl [boss]
#364: Rest / Sleep [boss]
#365: Kefka / Kefka [big boss]
#366: Plague [boss]
#367: Flan Princess [boss]
#368: Neslug (Shell) [boss]
#369: Neslug (Head) [boss]
#370: Earth Eater [boss]
#371: Gargantua [boss]
#372: Malboro Menace [boss]
#373: Abyss Worm [boss]
#374: Dark Behemoth [boss]
#375: Red Dragon [boss 2]
#376: Blue Dragon [boss 2]
#377: Gold Dragon [boss 2]
#378: Ice Dragon [boss 2]
#379: Storm Dragon [boss 2]
#380: Earth Dragon [boss 2]
#381: Skull Dragon [boss 2]
#382: Holy Dragon [boss 2]
#383: Kaiser Dragon [big boss]
#384: Omega Weapon [big boss]
Labels: 24, candy, colors, dawn, death, dragons, games, japan, larry, links, lists, maxed-out tags limit, names, ocdl, pictures, ray, sleep, twins, vernon, walkthroughs
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