LJ equivalent on July 12, 2012.
This is the complete bestiary for FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE, and all screenshots are from my own playthrough. I'd like to say that this GameFAQs bestiary document helped me a lot; thank you! (as did this one, for more precise directions in certain places) Also, this walkthrough helped me a lot, too! Actually, I was tired of suffering through emulator slowness and game glitches x8, so input a code for a 100% complete Bestiary.
Notes to self: Activate the All Characters Have All Abilities code, and then TAKE IT OFF, or else the game will get incredibly frustratingly SLOW. Also, take all codes off before going to the Big Bridge, or attempting to find the Phantom Village! VISHNU VEST EQUIPMENT! Speaking of equipment, EQUIP KRILE WHEN SHE JOINS THE PARTY AFTER GALUF'S DEATH!
After much frustration over three hours, I managed to defeat Omega by using the power of Mirage Vests (IMAGE STATUS) / Coral Rings (fire protection), and a pre-emptive strike! I used it to power up my blades with Thundaga Spellblade, then used Rapid-Fire on Faris... I think it was a fluke!
Also, to reset the breath timer in the sunken tower of Walse, climb up the fourth floor vine to get to that chest! I finally actually defeated Famed Mimic Gogo at the bottom of the sunken Tower of Walse by using the Dragoon / Dual-Wield x4 strategy! It was pretty tricky since I wasn't sure that all my characters would survive at least five Meteor attacks, but two of them did! Got garbled text as part of the bugged fight, too... "Dragged into another dimension! Odin: All right, that's far enough! Turning to stone... Can't escape! Countdown to Pestilence... 4 KO'd! Countdown to Eruption... 5 KO'd! Level halved! KO'd!":D
To get the Drakenvale Golem in the Bestiary, defeat the dragons first and THEN defend until he thanks you!
Stick "READ AHEAD" on a character other than Lenna! To prevent having to input all the codes over and over again, SAVE / remove all codes / then close and reopen the emulator! They should all still be there!
For the Moogle in the Forest of Moore to move after the trees have been set on fire by Exdeath, save the game in the cave and then reset. The creature should NOT be blocking the entrance.
Airship in World 3: It's just above Surgate Castle, east of the Pyramid.
DO NOT SET ANY "No Random Encounters" CODE! IT WILL GLITCH OUT THE GAME! (submarine / world map won't work, and there WILL be no random encounters)
TRY DEFEATING NEO SHINRYU FIRST BEFORE OMEGA MK. II - or else you can't get out of the room for some reason! (the exit door SHOULD be open, but is shut tight instead!)
8:57 of this Castle Bal video: GREAT SWORD!
#001: Goblin

#002: Steel Bat

#003: Devil Crab

#004: Stroper

#005: Killer Bee

#006: Nutkin

#007: Stray Cat

#008: Black Goblin

#009: White Serpent

#010: Moldwynd

#011: Mani Wizard

#012: Skeleton

#013: Calcruthl

#014: Undead Husk

#015: Mindflusher

#016: Gatling

#017: Big Horn

#018: Tatou

#019: Bandersnatch

#020: Garula Carwen

#021: Rock Slug

#022: Gaelicat

#023: Cockatrice

#024: Headstone

#025: Elf Toad

#026: Ice Soldier

#027: Ricard Mage

#028: Wyvern

#029: Pas de Seul

#030: Jackanapes

#031: Aegir

#032: Zu

#033: Wild Nakk

#034: Grass Tortoise

#035: Silent Bee

#036: Mythril Dragon

#037: Crew Dust

#038: Poltergeist

#039: Defeater

#040: Motor Trap

#041: Sergeant

#042: Sorcerer

#043: Cur Nakk

#044: Gigas

#045: Page 32

#046: Page 64

#047: Page 128

#048: Page 256

#049: Bomb

#050: Double Lizard

#051: Bio Soldier

#052: Harvester

#053: Black Flame

#054: Stone Golem

#055: Mini Dragon

#056: Prototype

#057: Skull Eater

#058: Dhorme Chimera

#059: Sandboil

#060: Desert Killer

#061: Sand Bear

#062: Ra Mage

#063: Ronkan Knight

#064: Stone Mask

#065: Enchanted Fan

#066: Lamia

#067: Archeotoad

#068: Hydra

#069: Ghidra

#070: Pao

#071: Tarantula

#072: Shell Bear

#073: Devilfish

#074: Treant

#075: Strapparer

#076: Merrow

#077: Flying Killer

#078: Little Chariot

#079: Neo Garula

#080: Tunneller

#081: Birostris

#082: Fairy Orc

#083: Devourer

#084: Mandrake

#085: Kuza Beast

#086: Shield Dragon

#087: Exdeath's Soul

#088: Blood Slime

#089: Acrophies

#090: Moogle Eater

#091: Lesser Lopros

#092: Cactus

#093: Sandcrawler

#094: Aquathorn

#095: Weresnake

#096: Kornago

#097: Cursed Being

#098: Undergrounder

#099: Objet d'Art

#100: Drippy

#101: Lycaon

#102: Bone Dragon

#103: Poison Eagle

#104: Zombie Dragon

#105: Gobbledygook

#106: Neon

#107: Magnetite

#108: Reflect Knight

#109: Traveler

#110: Level Tricker

#111: Gravitator

#112: Ziggurat Gigas

#113: Dark Aspic

#114: Metamorph

#115: Cure Beast

#116: Land Turtle

#117: Dechirer

#118: Mini Magician

#119: Galajelly

#120: Mammon

#121: Imp

#122: Wyrm

#123: Twin Lizard

#124: Blind Wolf

#125: Hellraiser

#126: Reflect Mage

#127: Magic Dragon

#128: Black Warlock

#129: Adamantite Golem

#130: Bandercoeurl

#131: Iron Fist

#132: Blue Dragon

#133: Red Dragon

#134: Yellow Dragon

#135: Sleepy

#136: Triffid

#137: Hedgehog

#138: Python

#139: Shadow

#140: Elm Gigas
#141: Desertpede
#142: Bulette
#143: Lamia Queen
#144: Rajiformes
#145: Ushabti
#146: Archeosaur
#147: Zephyrus
#148: Mummy
#149: Aspis
#150: Mecha Head
#151: The Damned
#152: Grand Mummy (boss)
#153: Sekhmet (boss)
#154: Slug
#155: Gloom Widow
#156: Mykale
#157: Executor
#158: Oiseaurare
#159: Shadow Dancer
#160: Numb Blade
#161: Tot Aevis
#162: Tiny Mage
#163: Chrono Controller
#164: Flaremancer
#165: Dueling Knight
#166: Iron Muscles
#167: Berserker
#168: Unknown (spore 1)
#169: Unknown (blob)
#170: Unknown (worm)
#171: Unknown (spore 2)
#172: Unknown (skeleton)
#173: Frost Bull
#174: Istory Lythos
#175: Spizzner
#176: Druid
#177: Ironback
#178: Mercury Bat
#179: Coral
#180: Aquagel
#181: Steel Fist
#182: Alchymia
#183: Tonberry
#184: Ankheg
#185: Ammonite
#186: Landcrawler
#187: Lemure
#188: Parthenope
#189: Cherie
#190: Magic Pot
#191: Sucker
#192: Octokraken
#193: Sahagin
#194: Thunder Anemone
#195: Sea Ibis

#196. Corbett

#197. Nix

#198. Water Scorpion

#199. Vilia

#200. Gel Fish

#201. Rukh

#202. Sea Devil

#203. Stingray (rare)

#204. Grenade

#205. Baldanders

#206. Death Dealer

#207. Level Checker

#208. White Flame

#209. Moss Fungus

#210. Farfarello

#211. Orukat

#212. Great Dragon

#213: Achelon

#214: Ninja

#215. Dragon Aevis

#216. Sword Dancer

#217. Death Claw

#218. Fury

#219. Yojimbo

#220. Iron Giant

#221. King Behemoth

#222. Crystal Dragon

#223. Necromancer

#224. Gorgimera

#225. Mindflayer

#226. Crystelle

#227. Belphegor

#228. Mover

#229. Mini Satana

#230. Assassin

#231. Soul Eater

#232. Behemoth

#233. Dark Elemental Fire

#234. Dark Elemental Ice

#235. Dark Elemental Lightning

#236. Exoray

#237. Duelist

#238. Medusa

#239. Dinozombie

#240. Claret Dragon

#241. Ironclad

#242. Hades

#243. Wing Raptor (boss)

#244. Karlabos (boss)

#245. Siren (boss)

#246. Magissa (boss)

#247. Forza (boss)

#248. Ice Commander (boss)

#249. Shiva (boss)

#250. Garula Walse Tower (boss)

#251. Liquid Flame (boss)

#252. Iron Claw (boss)

#253. Ifrit (boss)

#254: Byblos (boss)

#255: Ramuh (boss)

#256: Sandworm (boss)

#257: Cray Claw (boss)

#258: Adamantoise [boss]

#259: Soul Cannon [boss]

#260: Launcher 1 (first type) [boss]

#261: Launcher 2 (second type) [boss]

#262: Archeoaevis 1-5 [boss]

#263: Purobolos [boss]

#264: Titan [boss]

#265: Manticore [boss]

#266: Blue Abductor 1 Pao Island [boss]

#267: Gilgamesh 1 Castle Exdeath Basement (boss)

#268: Gilgamesh 2 Big Bridge [boss]

#269: Tyrannosaur [boss]

#270: Green Abductor 2 Bal Castle [boss]

#271: Golem [boss]

#272: Dragon Pod [boss]

#273: Dragon Flower 1-3 [boss]

#274: Gilgamesh 3 Xezat's Fleet [boss]

#275: Enkidu [boss]

#276: Atomos [boss]

#277: Crystal 1 (absorbs fire) [boss]

#278: Crystal 2 (absorbs earth) [boss]

#279: Crystal 3 (absorbs water) [boss]

#280: Crystal 4 (absorbs wind) [boss]

#281: Catoblepas (boss)

#282: Gil Turtle [boss]

#283: Carbuncle [boss]

#284: Gilgamesh 4 Castle Exdeath [boss]

#285: Exdeath Humanoid [boss]

#286: Antlion [boss]

#287: Melusine 1-4 [boss]

#288: Gargoyle (boss)

#289: Wendigo [boss]

#290: Odin [boss]

#291: Minotaur [boss]

#292: Omniscient [boss]

#293: Triton [boss]

#294: Nereid [boss]

#295: Phobos [boss]

#296: Leviathan [boss]

#297: Famed Mimic Gogo [boss]

#298: Bahamut [boss]

#299: Apanda [boss]

#300: Calofisteri [boss]

#301: Azulmagia [boss]

#302: Alte Roite (boss)

#303: Jura Aevis (boss)

#304: Catastrophe [boss]

#305: Halicarnassus [boss]

#306: Twintania [boss]

#307: Gilgamesh 5 Interdimensional Rift [boss]

#308: Necrophobe [boss]

#309: Barrier [boss]

#310: Gilgamesh 6 Necrophobe [boss]

#311: Omega [boss]

#312: Shinryu [boss]

#313: Exdeath Tree [big boss]

#314: Neo Exdeath [boss]

#315: Grand Aevis [boss]

#316: Archeodemon [boss]

#317: Guardian [boss]

#318: Launcher 3 (first type) [boss]

#319: Launcher 4 (second type) [boss]

#320: Wave Cannon [boss]

#321: Omega Mk.II [boss]

#322: Neo Shinryu [boss]

#323: Enuo [boss]

This is the complete bestiary for FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE, and all screenshots are from my own playthrough. I'd like to say that this GameFAQs bestiary document helped me a lot; thank you! (as did this one, for more precise directions in certain places) Also, this walkthrough helped me a lot, too! Actually, I was tired of suffering through emulator slowness and game glitches x8, so input a code for a 100% complete Bestiary.
Notes to self: Activate the All Characters Have All Abilities code, and then TAKE IT OFF, or else the game will get incredibly frustratingly SLOW. Also, take all codes off before going to the Big Bridge, or attempting to find the Phantom Village! VISHNU VEST EQUIPMENT! Speaking of equipment, EQUIP KRILE WHEN SHE JOINS THE PARTY AFTER GALUF'S DEATH!
After much frustration over three hours, I managed to defeat Omega by using the power of Mirage Vests (IMAGE STATUS) / Coral Rings (fire protection), and a pre-emptive strike! I used it to power up my blades with Thundaga Spellblade, then used Rapid-Fire on Faris... I think it was a fluke!
Also, to reset the breath timer in the sunken tower of Walse, climb up the fourth floor vine to get to that chest! I finally actually defeated Famed Mimic Gogo at the bottom of the sunken Tower of Walse by using the Dragoon / Dual-Wield x4 strategy! It was pretty tricky since I wasn't sure that all my characters would survive at least five Meteor attacks, but two of them did! Got garbled text as part of the bugged fight, too... "Dragged into another dimension! Odin: All right, that's far enough! Turning to stone... Can't escape! Countdown to Pestilence... 4 KO'd! Countdown to Eruption... 5 KO'd! Level halved! KO'd!":D
To get the Drakenvale Golem in the Bestiary, defeat the dragons first and THEN defend until he thanks you!
Stick "READ AHEAD" on a character other than Lenna! To prevent having to input all the codes over and over again, SAVE / remove all codes / then close and reopen the emulator! They should all still be there!
For the Moogle in the Forest of Moore to move after the trees have been set on fire by Exdeath, save the game in the cave and then reset. The creature should NOT be blocking the entrance.
Airship in World 3: It's just above Surgate Castle, east of the Pyramid.
DO NOT SET ANY "No Random Encounters" CODE! IT WILL GLITCH OUT THE GAME! (submarine / world map won't work, and there WILL be no random encounters)
TRY DEFEATING NEO SHINRYU FIRST BEFORE OMEGA MK. II - or else you can't get out of the room for some reason! (the exit door SHOULD be open, but is shut tight instead!)
8:57 of this Castle Bal video: GREAT SWORD!
#001: Goblin

#002: Steel Bat

#003: Devil Crab

#004: Stroper

#005: Killer Bee

#006: Nutkin

#007: Stray Cat

#008: Black Goblin

#009: White Serpent

#010: Moldwynd

#011: Mani Wizard

#012: Skeleton

#013: Calcruthl

#014: Undead Husk

#015: Mindflusher

#016: Gatling

#017: Big Horn

#018: Tatou

#019: Bandersnatch

#020: Garula Carwen

#021: Rock Slug

#022: Gaelicat

#023: Cockatrice

#024: Headstone

#025: Elf Toad

#026: Ice Soldier

#027: Ricard Mage

#028: Wyvern

#029: Pas de Seul

#030: Jackanapes

#031: Aegir

#032: Zu

#033: Wild Nakk

#034: Grass Tortoise

#035: Silent Bee

#036: Mythril Dragon

#037: Crew Dust

#038: Poltergeist

#039: Defeater

#040: Motor Trap

#041: Sergeant

#042: Sorcerer

#043: Cur Nakk

#044: Gigas

#045: Page 32

#046: Page 64

#047: Page 128

#048: Page 256

#049: Bomb

#050: Double Lizard

#051: Bio Soldier

#052: Harvester

#053: Black Flame

#054: Stone Golem

#055: Mini Dragon

#056: Prototype

#057: Skull Eater

#058: Dhorme Chimera

#059: Sandboil

#060: Desert Killer

#061: Sand Bear

#062: Ra Mage

#063: Ronkan Knight

#064: Stone Mask

#065: Enchanted Fan

#066: Lamia

#067: Archeotoad

#068: Hydra

#069: Ghidra

#070: Pao

#071: Tarantula

#072: Shell Bear

#073: Devilfish

#074: Treant

#075: Strapparer

#076: Merrow

#077: Flying Killer

#078: Little Chariot

#079: Neo Garula

#080: Tunneller

#081: Birostris

#082: Fairy Orc

#083: Devourer

#084: Mandrake

#085: Kuza Beast

#086: Shield Dragon

#087: Exdeath's Soul

#088: Blood Slime

#089: Acrophies

#090: Moogle Eater

#091: Lesser Lopros

#092: Cactus

#093: Sandcrawler

#094: Aquathorn

#095: Weresnake

#096: Kornago

#097: Cursed Being

#098: Undergrounder

#099: Objet d'Art

#100: Drippy

#101: Lycaon

#102: Bone Dragon

#103: Poison Eagle

#104: Zombie Dragon

#105: Gobbledygook

#106: Neon

#107: Magnetite

#108: Reflect Knight

#109: Traveler

#110: Level Tricker

#111: Gravitator

#112: Ziggurat Gigas

#113: Dark Aspic

#114: Metamorph

#115: Cure Beast

#116: Land Turtle

#117: Dechirer

#118: Mini Magician

#119: Galajelly

#120: Mammon

#121: Imp

#122: Wyrm

#123: Twin Lizard

#124: Blind Wolf

#125: Hellraiser

#126: Reflect Mage

#127: Magic Dragon

#128: Black Warlock

#129: Adamantite Golem

#130: Bandercoeurl

#131: Iron Fist

#132: Blue Dragon

#133: Red Dragon

#134: Yellow Dragon

#135: Sleepy

#136: Triffid

#137: Hedgehog

#138: Python

#139: Shadow

#140: Elm Gigas

#141: Desertpede

#142: Bulette

#143: Lamia Queen

#144: Rajiformes

#145: Ushabti

#146: Archeosaur

#147: Zephyrus

#148: Mummy

#149: Aspis

#150: Mecha Head

#151: The Damned

#152: Grand Mummy (boss)

#153: Sekhmet (boss)

#154: Slug

#155: Gloom Widow

#156: Mykale

#157: Executor

#158: Oiseaurare

#159: Shadow Dancer

#160: Numb Blade

#161: Tot Aevis

#162: Tiny Mage

#163: Chrono Controller

#164: Flaremancer

#165: Dueling Knight

#166: Iron Muscles

#167: Berserker

#168: Unknown (spore 1)

#169: Unknown (blob)

#170: Unknown (worm)

#171: Unknown (spore 2)

#172: Unknown (skeleton)

#173: Frost Bull

#174: Istory Lythos

#175: Spizzner

#176: Druid

#177: Ironback

#178: Mercury Bat

#179: Coral

#180: Aquagel

#181: Steel Fist

#182: Alchymia

#183: Tonberry

#184: Ankheg

#185: Ammonite

#186: Landcrawler

#187: Lemure

#188: Parthenope

#189: Cherie

#190: Magic Pot

#191: Sucker

#192: Octokraken

#193: Sahagin

#194: Thunder Anemone

#195: Sea Ibis

#196. Corbett

#197. Nix

#198. Water Scorpion

#199. Vilia

#200. Gel Fish

#201. Rukh

#202. Sea Devil

#203. Stingray (rare)

#204. Grenade

#205. Baldanders

#206. Death Dealer

#207. Level Checker

#208. White Flame

#209. Moss Fungus

#210. Farfarello

#211. Orukat

#212. Great Dragon

#213: Achelon

#214: Ninja

#215. Dragon Aevis

#216. Sword Dancer

#217. Death Claw

#218. Fury

#219. Yojimbo

#220. Iron Giant

#221. King Behemoth

#222. Crystal Dragon

#223. Necromancer

#224. Gorgimera

#225. Mindflayer

#226. Crystelle

#227. Belphegor

#228. Mover

#229. Mini Satana

#230. Assassin

#231. Soul Eater

#232. Behemoth

#233. Dark Elemental Fire

#234. Dark Elemental Ice

#235. Dark Elemental Lightning

#236. Exoray

#237. Duelist

#238. Medusa

#239. Dinozombie

#240. Claret Dragon

#241. Ironclad

#242. Hades

#243. Wing Raptor (boss)

#244. Karlabos (boss)

#245. Siren (boss)

#246. Magissa (boss)

#247. Forza (boss)

#248. Ice Commander (boss)

#249. Shiva (boss)

#250. Garula Walse Tower (boss)

#251. Liquid Flame (boss)

#252. Iron Claw (boss)

#253. Ifrit (boss)

#254: Byblos (boss)

#255: Ramuh (boss)

#256: Sandworm (boss)

#257: Cray Claw (boss)

#258: Adamantoise [boss]

#259: Soul Cannon [boss]

#260: Launcher 1 (first type) [boss]

#261: Launcher 2 (second type) [boss]

#262: Archeoaevis 1-5 [boss]

#263: Purobolos [boss]

#264: Titan [boss]

#265: Manticore [boss]

#266: Blue Abductor 1 Pao Island [boss]

#267: Gilgamesh 1 Castle Exdeath Basement (boss)

#268: Gilgamesh 2 Big Bridge [boss]

#269: Tyrannosaur [boss]

#270: Green Abductor 2 Bal Castle [boss]

#271: Golem [boss]

#272: Dragon Pod [boss]

#273: Dragon Flower 1-3 [boss]

#274: Gilgamesh 3 Xezat's Fleet [boss]

#275: Enkidu [boss]

#276: Atomos [boss]

#277: Crystal 1 (absorbs fire) [boss]

#278: Crystal 2 (absorbs earth) [boss]

#279: Crystal 3 (absorbs water) [boss]

#280: Crystal 4 (absorbs wind) [boss]

#281: Catoblepas (boss)

#282: Gil Turtle [boss]

#283: Carbuncle [boss]

#284: Gilgamesh 4 Castle Exdeath [boss]

#285: Exdeath Humanoid [boss]

#286: Antlion [boss]

#287: Melusine 1-4 [boss]

#288: Gargoyle (boss)

#289: Wendigo [boss]

#290: Odin [boss]

#291: Minotaur [boss]

#292: Omniscient [boss]

#293: Triton [boss]

#294: Nereid [boss]

#295: Phobos [boss]

#296: Leviathan [boss]

#297: Famed Mimic Gogo [boss]

#298: Bahamut [boss]

#299: Apanda [boss]

#300: Calofisteri [boss]

#301: Azulmagia [boss]

#302: Alte Roite (boss)

#303: Jura Aevis (boss)

#304: Catastrophe [boss]

#305: Halicarnassus [boss]

#306: Twintania [boss]

#307: Gilgamesh 5 Interdimensional Rift [boss]

#308: Necrophobe [boss]

#309: Barrier [boss]

#310: Gilgamesh 6 Necrophobe [boss]

#311: Omega [boss]

#312: Shinryu [boss]

#313: Exdeath Tree [big boss]

#314: Neo Exdeath [boss]

#315: Grand Aevis [boss]

#316: Archeodemon [boss]

#317: Guardian [boss]

#318: Launcher 3 (first type) [boss]

#319: Launcher 4 (second type) [boss]

#320: Wave Cannon [boss]

#321: Omega Mk.II [boss]

#322: Neo Shinryu [boss]

#323: Enuo [boss]

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