Saturday, May 02, 2009

I'm a sock-stealing elf?!

High-scoring word of the night:

DATABASE (115 points) - against Collette W. [5W]

Leslie's just got their Naughty Elf Name. I just got my Naughty Elf Name. It's Sock-Stealer Elf.

Leslie just took the Should You Have Kids Quiz and is Almost Ready For Kids. I am Almost Ready For Kids. You have most of the basics down for being ready for kids, and are probably just about ready to start a family now. Just a couple more things to get prepared for.

Haha, now HERE is a topical quiz!

Leslie completed the quiz "Will You Survive the Swine Flu?" with the result Survivor. You didn't take the hype too seriously. You didn't even rush out and buy a mask... But when push came to shove and it became real, when people far too sick to survive were using up all your medicine, you did ANYTHING to survive - including setting the infected on fire while you raided a derelict hospital, and survive you did.

Facebook quizzes stolen from Jemima, Morgana, Gretchen, Kaitlin, and Barb:

Leslie just took the "Which one of the 7 deadly sins are you?" quiz and the result is Envy. You are envious! You like to gossip; then you can bring the people you envy down to your level, so they don't seem so cool. You are never truly happy with yourself, and your self-esteem is lower then the norm! Man, love youself at least a bit... don't love every single person besides you!

Leslie just took the "What zodiac sign are you most likely to be?" quiz and the result is Aries, the ram. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and as a result, Arians can be a little naive. They are also very exciting, energetic, likeable, and optimistic. At worst, they can be overbearing, selfish, tactless, and hot-tempered. Arians are likely to fall in love at first sight.

Leslie just took the "What Egyptian Deity Are You?" quiz and the result is Horus. A warrior soul and a successful diplomat. Many things describe you as honorable, will-strong, proud, and most of all, cunning. Warrior soul with a cunning mind is the best King's attributes, oh Mighty King of the Lower Kingdom..... many bow to you, oh Wise One.....

Leslie completed the quiz "Which eighties female movie star are you? (Females only.)" with the result Jennifer Grey aka "Frances 'Baby' Houseman. You have a good head on your shoulders, and you are an idealist to the core. Those around you underestimate your fabulousness.

Leslie completed the quiz "Are you mentally ill?" with the result Yeah, you're out of your damn mind! Wow, how have the men in white coats not carried you off to a padded room yet? So, is there tinfoil in your hat at this very moment? Do the squirrels in your yard tell you what lottery numbers to play? Do you wash your hands every 9.7 minutes to make sure the space bacteria planted by the CIA in the pockets of your jeans doesn't make your face melt off? My money is on "yes" to at least one of those. Hey, but the good news is now you're qualified to either run for public office once they let you out of Inpatient. Or you can make a pretty lucrative living on a street corner in a major city, panhandling and screaming at passersby. You'd tell them about the impending end of the world at the hands of the Disney corporation, because Mickey is coming for us all, my friends, and he wants to make you his B!*%#.

Leslie just took the "what Superpower belongs to you" quiz and the result is Telekinetics / Telepathy. You like subduing enemies with ease, and can be the ultimate protector and offender. You are tactful and creative. Plus blowing people up with a thought isn't bad, either.

Leslie took the Which color is your aura? quiz and the result is red. The more excitement they experience, the more alive they will feel. Reds are practical and action-oriented; they love to achieve results and be successful. They have an insatiable urge to win, and create something valuable and important in their life. Their strong willpower and intense, almost unlimited physical energy allows them to be extremely active, persistent, and successful in virtually anything they do.

Poo nugget for this weekend: Doo You Know? - The Sacred Poop - In rural India, people put cow manure into round disks and press them onto walls to dry. After the poo dries and falls off the wall, it is burned for heat. India burns approximately one-quarter of all the dung produced by sacred cows.

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