Saturday, March 07, 2009

Since when is "no tattoo" a medical issue?

Eric picked me up late, saying that he'd gotten another call right after he told me that he was on the way. So just tell the person that you're on the way out to an important function, and will talk to them later! Simple, if a bit abrupt. He tried breaking out some Christmas carols after I told Vivian that we'd be late. I wasn't having any of it, and instead asked what he did when he got home last night: he'd read two chapters of THE WATCHMEN, to which I contributed that I heard it was a movie featuring a naked blue guy. Then we got into the speed of sound / exceeding the speed of light since we were late, and also whether I was losing it even more: who knows. He said that Russ Baker Way was indeed where I thought it had been, but on the other side of the road: although it did lead to the airport, it wasn't where I thought it would have been. Yikes!

Saw a woman with a puke green sari (?) and head covering around Main / 49th, and commented on that. Then we talked about Chris L., rice cookers, and my food combination of spaghetti / cream of mushroom soup / veggies / salmon. He was weirded out by that, and thought the wild rice and pork would be better for it... perhaps so! The meeting went all right, and I tasked myself with buying cards and stamps for an initiative we're hoping to start. Left early to go to Awana, which turned out to be a good thing since Chrystal wasn't here. I like how I can go into "kid mode" after a meeting: it's really cool. Good thing Kevin came downstairs so I could ask him when the next meeting was: it works for me!

Saw the registration form for a new kid: apparently, her medical issues include "no tattoo." I don't get that at all! Said hi to a bunch of the kids (Ian, Sean, Carley, Emily, Jordan, etc.) and did my usual stellar work while Auntie Vivian was telling someone else about a list of church programs. Eric T. changed into a good-looking dark blue official uniform with lots of shiny buttons since he had to leave early to go to a ball: one of his friends just got into VPD, which is good. Jordan saw Eric in his new outfit, and actually SALUTED him, hahahaha! I talked to Mike, Sabrina, Margaret, Julie, Bob, Hannah W., and others as well... went home with Ada (complaining about the time change tonight) after scarfing down a bunch of cookies. Sean was all over the place: "12 is better than 6! 11 is good! Red is stop! Yellow is stop! Green is go! Monday! Piano new book!" Hahaha, gotta love that kid. :D

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