Sunday, May 06, 2007

Eric and Trogdor rock!

Eric picked me up this morning, and we discussed our friends / volunteering / 24 recording and download links / being nice to people / the cruise. He'll have a postcard if I can't think of any other souvenirs - this goes for a bunch of others, too. Told me that he'd gone through the river and was now in a jungle... that sounds like progress in his game, haha. I just told him that I'd killed a bunch of space monsters (which DO regenerate), and generally goofed around. Apparently, my hearing is crazy according to him; eh, sometimes it can be! Some people were moving too slow for his taste, but we got to church around 9:30 in spite of them!

Saw Jeremy / Dylan / Margaret K. / Michelle C., and talked to them about being tired and black keys ("we're never doing FACEDOWN again!") before I decided to go downstairs for some water. Then I came back upstairs to find Randal sitting in my usual pew - no big deal. Confirmed stuff with Eric while he got ready to play guitar, and then told Hien and David to stop fighting over one lone bulletin - that reminded me of my need for one, as well. Gave one to Hien and then sat down again to say hi to Jackie - she's so energetic and hyper! Then talked to Randal for a few, heh. When we greeted people across from us, it was a good thing that Ivan was around to shake hands with after I waved to Sam's brother - I do not do "meeting new people" (some guy next to Uncle Patrick) well after I've had less than a few hours' sleep! :P (bad, I know... but true nonetheless) Also learned to never trust people when they say "in conclusion" or something similar... it was interesting information, but my attention span was dwindling!

Went out the back way, which gave me an opportunity to say hi to Brian: he's finally back from Alberta, and has a Richmond job lined up for June! He's met Harmony before - they actually went to high school together! Of course, I gave him a birthday card while also giving him a sideways hug - yay, birthday! I also gave Danielle hers earlier - yup, I do good taping jobs on envelopes, haha! Then I went downstairs to put my stuff in the toddler room, and give birthday cards to Stanley for him and his brother Eric. (he's going away from May till August, and his birthday's in late June... Stanley's is May 8, the same day as Christal's seventh birthday)

Said hi to Margaret L. and went outside in the rain - talked to Jeremy a bit about his injury that flares up: yup, not good. He'd have stayed home, but didn't want to not follow through on his commitment - cool... now go take the bus home and rest! (spokes on bike are not good!) Saw Helen K. with her baby Nicholas and his little basketball: hey, he can even palm it! He'll be into sports - either heart attacks will get you, or sports injuries will on the other end of the spectrum! Went into the toddler room later and had fun - Sean said color names today, but was repeating what I said too. Auntie Tracy and Rachel's grandma completed a Big Bird puzzle - yay for excitement! Talked about the cruise and such to Vivian when Sunday School was over, and played with Rachel a bit - peekaboo games are fun! Then her cousins Jason and Amos said she ate sugar, whipped cream, candy, and other sweet stuff - no wonder the kid has at least ten silver fillings!

Went upstairs, and talked to Adam and Andrew for a bit. Yesterday had been busy at Awana, and Selena (a kid) had helped Andrew with the other kids' names and such. Too bad I couldn't make it, but those were really circumstances beyond anyone's control. Then I met Eric, who asked what I wanted him to do. While trying to figure it out, my mom decided to tell me a bunch of things - I don't process lots of information that well... and I don't shout at people in public! Eventually, I decided to go home with Eric, who said he'd let me go home to turn off my computer. We talked about upset, feelings, crying (he knows when I am upset!), sanitary dumps, gas, traffic, and other stuff even though I didn't feel like being too talkative. He did help, though - no overboard trips, motive / opportunity or not! If she's like that, FINE... but honestly she should know it hurts. Maybe she doesn't - still.

Went home, and Eric complained of the heat - I know, I know. He turned it down, and did things with my plush dragon... it could be Trogdor if it was in an S shape and had arms! Turned off the computer, did necessary things, and then went to the townhouse. Good thing I'm using Lenny to update this, haha. Mom gave me shiny green clothing, told me she didn't have time to waste (yelling seems to be your preferred method of communication today, so maybe not if you can't take the time to properly talk about things!), and gave me a word search book. Grandma was surprised that I hadn't had lunch OR went out to eat with gwei jie, but meh. I was fine! Read the paper (David Suzuki green edition!) and thought about stuff before they left. Good thing I can go straight home after the cruise since Steph goes to work right afterwards - Mom seemed in a slightly better mood when I persuaded her that it would be a good idea, hehe. (always a good trick!) Phoned Eric to tell him about it briefly, then wasted time on here before my sibs got home. Now it's dinner time - then maybe I'll try to sleep. We'll see if that happens... last blog post before Friday! After that, expect a LOT of stuff on Friday - all dated appropriately, haha.

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