Friday, November 18, 2005

Laziness enabled with extra turkeys... whee!

Eric M. got on MSN earlier to say that he was feeling tired, so wouldn't be going to Fellowship tonight. That was fine with me... he's enabling me in my laziness, heh. I also explained last week to him: kinda strange David didn't invite him to the banquet since he was in one of his Bible Study groups, but oh well. At least this isn't like a few weeks ago when he was going to the 54-40 concert: I told my sister about it, so after some calling around between her and Jessica, she gave me a ride.

Corey got on AIM to say that he'd just torn a phone book in half, and is making progress on his grippers too. He also mentioned he was missing the Children of Bodom show in favor of getting ready for the trip. A while later, he asked whether I'd need a turkey since UPS just delivered one to their door courtesy of the guy handling his grandma's investments. (his parents thought that guy was a jerk, but maybe he gets away with it by giving away turkeys to people) Good thing they got it before they left for Texas: they DO have someone taking care of things while they're away, but it came in a styrofoam cooler wrapped in plastic... so who knows whether that would have gone into the freezer (as planned) or not.

What a deal... Thanksgiving dinner in another state that takes two days to cross, and still enough turkey when they get home afterwards! Corey has to be up at 7 AM tomorrow... that time does not exist in either of our worlds, so it's going to be very weird sleeping at night and not sleeping in during the day. Speaking of such, I need to get my sleeping schedule to a reasonable time... there's apparently a pre-Awana thing tomorrow at 2 (will I get up in time, given the last week?!) that takes the place of the leadership dinner. We'll see if Auntie Rebecca can give me a ride home, since Sam's doing Floodlight. o_O *is not a fan of waiting around at the church, or of taking buses home in the dark*

Thanks, Eric! You just gave me extra hours to do stuff! :D

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