Five basic essentials survey, Radiohead songs, the ultimate Canadian
5 Basic Essentials
Purse (substitute "body bag," haha)
--> Wallet
--> Hand sanitizer
--> Notebooks
--> Pens
--> Keys
--> Money / Debit Card
--> ID
--> Bubble Tea Shop Stamp Cards
--> Gift cards
--> Store Club Cards
Makeup Bag
---> Don't wear makeup much, so none really.
--> Shampoo
--> Conditioner
--> Lotion
--> Body Wash
--> Loofah
Bedside Table
--> Glasses
--> Books
--> Lamp
--> Pens
--> Alarm clock
CD Collection
--> Corey's DVD of music. (which I should get Nathan to burn to CD for me... but no rush on that at all, with current events the way they are :( )
--> Collective Soul, eponymous
--> the Clash, the Clash on Broadway
--> Matthew Good, Avalanche
--> Rufus Wainwright, eponymous
--> Computer
--> Phone
--> Paper
--> Pens
--> Stickers
--> Trillian
--> GreatestJournal
--> LiveJournal
--> Our Place
--> Time-waster games like Spider Solitaire
5 Things You Find Attractive About the Opposite Sex
--> Eyes
--> Compassion
--> Smile
--> Sense of humor
--> Intelligence
5 Things You Find Unattractive About the Opposite Sex
--> Doesn't give me space
--> Barely gives me attention
--> Insists on being right all the time
--> Doesn't keep his promises
--> Totally doesn't have a clue sometimes
How tall are you? 5 feet even.
Have you ever smoked heroin? No.
Do you own a gun? No.
Rehab? No.
Would you have sex with someone in a cemetery? No, that'd just be... weird. And uncomfortable. What kind of question is this?
Have you ever killed an animal? Ants and little insects.
Are you Irish? No.
What do you think of hot dogs? Yummy!
What's your favorite Christmas song? O Come All Ye Faithful
What is your favorite smell? Homemade cooking... REAL FOOD. ;)
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Milk.
Do you do pushups? Not really.
Have you ever done ecstasy? Nope.
Are you vegan? No, can't live without my chicken and eggs.
Have you ever been caught having sex? N/A.
Have you been shot? With a needle. *eeeeee*
Have you ever been hospitalized? Yeah, for an operation.
Do you like painkillers? Indeed, I am a wimp.
What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? My humor and wit. ;)
Do you own a knife? Sure, in my cutlery drawer.
Do you have A.D.D.? Not really.
Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? .... no. See above statement about being a wimp. :P
Top 5 thoughts at this exact moment:
1. I wish I knew what to say to Daniel and Nathan...
2. I'm still full from lunch, so I'm not eating dinner anytime soon.
3. I'm sad.
4. I'm sleepy and in need of a nap.
5. I wonder how much retro-tagging work I'll get done before Conference...
Last time you cried, and why? Just now. See previous entry.
What's in your CD player? Alexis on Fire, Watch Out!
What CD player? I dunno... the CD-ROM drive on the computer, haha.
What's under your bed? Carpet.
What time did you wake up today? 7:50. :|
Current hair? Relatively clean.
What are you wearing? Glasses, Ottawa T-shirt, blue jeans, underwear.
Current worry? What should I do for Daniel and Nathan?
Favorite place to be? Chilling at Nathan's.
Least favorite place? Driving through the West End, or through Delta / Ladner. (skunk / horse manure... ewwies!)
If you could play an instrument? Piano.
Favorite colors? Blue, purple, black.
One person from the past you wish you could go back and talk to? Beethoven, or Queen Victoria.
Where would you like to go? England, Germany, Ireland, Romania, Australia, Italy, Scotland, France, Spain...
Where do you want to live? San Francisco, Holland, New York...
Favorite food? Some Chinese food (hot and sour soup, noodles, curry, wonton soup, etc.), pizza, pasta, chicken, sushi, turkey, Pho noodles, steak, etc.
Color of most clothes you own? Blue.
Number of pillows you sleep with? One.
What do you wear when you go to sleep? Nightgown.
What were you doing at midnight? Retro-tagging, talking to Corey about mushrooms / bugs / screensavers...
What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? I have no idea.
Are you paranoid? Sometimes.
Do you burn or tan? Tan.
First piercing / tattoo? N/A.
First enemy? Leanne Giroux, Grade 1.
Last person you yelled at? Mom, for bugging me when I was tired.
Last thing you ate? Noodles at Mui's.
If you could be a pirate, would you? Sure, why not?
Last time you had sex? N/A.
If you could be with anyone right now, who would it be? Danielle.
Your full name? Leslie Chi Wah Ng.
What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower.
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Ghosts, UFOs in the sky, monsters everywhere...
When and why did you last vomit? Not sure, but I was probably sick.
What's in your pockets right now? Whatsss in itsss pocketses, precioussss? *cough* Nothing except lint.
What color are your bedroom walls? Beige.
Last thing that made you laugh? Corey's opinion of mushrooms. ("They're gross slimy fungus! Anyone who likes them must be on crack!")
Best bed sheets you had as a child? Flowers and vines.
Favorite childhood pet? N/A.
Any pets now? Nope.
Do you like your teeth? Eh, they're all right...
Innie or an outtie? Innie.
Favorite restaurant? Ricky's, Specialty Chicken and Wonton Noodle House...
Describe your fingernails? Kinda long.
Worst injury you've ever had? Someone skated over my finger. =/
What are your dreams like? Very weird! See past posts on dreams for more info.
Do you wear contacts or glasses? Glasses.
Do you have any piercings? No.
What shoes do you wear? Sneakers.
What are the last four digits of your phone number? 5461.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Dark blue.
Have you ever won any awards? Yes, for band-related stuff.
How many TVs do you have in your house? One, despite Eric's protestations to the contrary. ;)
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yup, a green rabbit.
Have you ever sprained / broken / fractured a bone or gotten stitches? Yeah, like when someone skated over my finger in Gr. 3.
Who do you tell your dreams to? GJ / LJ / Our Place / my close friends.

You are Karma Police... You're down to earth, and
don't let anyone push you around. You're
confident and attentive. You've got a good
head on your shoulders, and you're authoritative.
What Radiohead Song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Purse (substitute "body bag," haha)
--> Wallet
--> Hand sanitizer
--> Notebooks
--> Pens
--> Keys
--> Money / Debit Card
--> ID
--> Bubble Tea Shop Stamp Cards
--> Gift cards
--> Store Club Cards
Makeup Bag
---> Don't wear makeup much, so none really.
--> Shampoo
--> Conditioner
--> Lotion
--> Body Wash
--> Loofah
Bedside Table
--> Glasses
--> Books
--> Lamp
--> Pens
--> Alarm clock
CD Collection
--> Corey's DVD of music. (which I should get Nathan to burn to CD for me... but no rush on that at all, with current events the way they are :( )
--> Collective Soul, eponymous
--> the Clash, the Clash on Broadway
--> Matthew Good, Avalanche
--> Rufus Wainwright, eponymous
--> Computer
--> Phone
--> Paper
--> Pens
--> Stickers
--> Trillian
--> GreatestJournal
--> LiveJournal
--> Our Place
--> Time-waster games like Spider Solitaire
5 Things You Find Attractive About the Opposite Sex
--> Eyes
--> Compassion
--> Smile
--> Sense of humor
--> Intelligence
5 Things You Find Unattractive About the Opposite Sex
--> Doesn't give me space
--> Barely gives me attention
--> Insists on being right all the time
--> Doesn't keep his promises
--> Totally doesn't have a clue sometimes
How tall are you? 5 feet even.
Have you ever smoked heroin? No.
Do you own a gun? No.
Rehab? No.
Would you have sex with someone in a cemetery? No, that'd just be... weird. And uncomfortable. What kind of question is this?
Have you ever killed an animal? Ants and little insects.
Are you Irish? No.
What do you think of hot dogs? Yummy!
What's your favorite Christmas song? O Come All Ye Faithful
What is your favorite smell? Homemade cooking... REAL FOOD. ;)
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Milk.
Do you do pushups? Not really.
Have you ever done ecstasy? Nope.
Are you vegan? No, can't live without my chicken and eggs.
Have you ever been caught having sex? N/A.
Have you been shot? With a needle. *eeeeee*
Have you ever been hospitalized? Yeah, for an operation.
Do you like painkillers? Indeed, I am a wimp.
What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? My humor and wit. ;)
Do you own a knife? Sure, in my cutlery drawer.
Do you have A.D.D.? Not really.
Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? .... no. See above statement about being a wimp. :P
Top 5 thoughts at this exact moment:
1. I wish I knew what to say to Daniel and Nathan...
2. I'm still full from lunch, so I'm not eating dinner anytime soon.
3. I'm sad.
4. I'm sleepy and in need of a nap.
5. I wonder how much retro-tagging work I'll get done before Conference...
Last time you cried, and why? Just now. See previous entry.
What's in your CD player? Alexis on Fire, Watch Out!
What CD player? I dunno... the CD-ROM drive on the computer, haha.
What's under your bed? Carpet.
What time did you wake up today? 7:50. :|
Current hair? Relatively clean.
What are you wearing? Glasses, Ottawa T-shirt, blue jeans, underwear.
Current worry? What should I do for Daniel and Nathan?
Favorite place to be? Chilling at Nathan's.
Least favorite place? Driving through the West End, or through Delta / Ladner. (skunk / horse manure... ewwies!)
If you could play an instrument? Piano.
Favorite colors? Blue, purple, black.
One person from the past you wish you could go back and talk to? Beethoven, or Queen Victoria.
Where would you like to go? England, Germany, Ireland, Romania, Australia, Italy, Scotland, France, Spain...
Where do you want to live? San Francisco, Holland, New York...
Favorite food? Some Chinese food (hot and sour soup, noodles, curry, wonton soup, etc.), pizza, pasta, chicken, sushi, turkey, Pho noodles, steak, etc.
Color of most clothes you own? Blue.
Number of pillows you sleep with? One.
What do you wear when you go to sleep? Nightgown.
What were you doing at midnight? Retro-tagging, talking to Corey about mushrooms / bugs / screensavers...
What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? I have no idea.
Are you paranoid? Sometimes.
Do you burn or tan? Tan.
First piercing / tattoo? N/A.
First enemy? Leanne Giroux, Grade 1.
Last person you yelled at? Mom, for bugging me when I was tired.
Last thing you ate? Noodles at Mui's.
If you could be a pirate, would you? Sure, why not?
Last time you had sex? N/A.
If you could be with anyone right now, who would it be? Danielle.
Your full name? Leslie Chi Wah Ng.
What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't sing in the shower.
What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Ghosts, UFOs in the sky, monsters everywhere...
When and why did you last vomit? Not sure, but I was probably sick.
What's in your pockets right now? Whatsss in itsss pocketses, precioussss? *cough* Nothing except lint.
What color are your bedroom walls? Beige.
Last thing that made you laugh? Corey's opinion of mushrooms. ("They're gross slimy fungus! Anyone who likes them must be on crack!")
Best bed sheets you had as a child? Flowers and vines.
Favorite childhood pet? N/A.
Any pets now? Nope.
Do you like your teeth? Eh, they're all right...
Innie or an outtie? Innie.
Favorite restaurant? Ricky's, Specialty Chicken and Wonton Noodle House...
Describe your fingernails? Kinda long.
Worst injury you've ever had? Someone skated over my finger. =/
What are your dreams like? Very weird! See past posts on dreams for more info.
Do you wear contacts or glasses? Glasses.
Do you have any piercings? No.
What shoes do you wear? Sneakers.
What are the last four digits of your phone number? 5461.
If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Dark blue.
Have you ever won any awards? Yes, for band-related stuff.
How many TVs do you have in your house? One, despite Eric's protestations to the contrary. ;)
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yup, a green rabbit.
Have you ever sprained / broken / fractured a bone or gotten stitches? Yeah, like when someone skated over my finger in Gr. 3.
Who do you tell your dreams to? GJ / LJ / Our Place / my close friends.

You are Karma Police... You're down to earth, and
don't let anyone push you around. You're
confident and attentive. You've got a good
head on your shoulders, and you're authoritative.
What Radiohead Song are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Very very Canadian You scored 100 Canada speak, and 75 Canadianess! |
Way to go! You're definitely one of us. You like to discuss the weather with strangers, and say sorry when someone steps on your foot. |
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My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
Link: The Ultimate Canadian Test written by echox2 on Ok Cupid |
Labels: annoyances, australia, bubble tea, christmas, computer, corey, curry, danielle, dreams, leanne, maxed-out tags limit, money, nathan, ok cupid, pizza, quizilla, stickers, surveys, sushi, victoria
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