Sunday, April 03, 2005

Time change, cards, church meeting, sugar-free stuff

Today, we were all sleepy because of the time change: Alan forgot about it entirely, so he was really late. Nathan, Christon, Eric, and a few others were making early White Spot lunch plans since they had no Sunday School. I couldn't go with them because I had to help out with the toddlers. It turned out that there were only three kids, but responsibility comes first. I'm sure there will be a next time of some sort, anyhow! There usually is, with this crowd... I'm very grateful for that! :D

Christon gave me a thank-you card, which I wasn't expecting. I gave Phil, Daniel, and Lily their birthday cards... these friends were all very appreciative of them! We were wondering if Helen had given birth to her baby yet: Joe figured that she was about two weeks late if she hadn't, since Maxine hadn't heard a thing from anyone.

There was another church meeting today, so a bunch of us hung out in the balcony. We read (school) books and the newest Vancouver newspaper, studied, slept / rested, voted, talked, listened to music / played Minesweeper on Phil's laptop, ate chocolate eggs / cookies / fruit snacks, and got through the meeting as best we could. Eric couldn't eat anything that we did: maybe I'll get him some sugar-free chocolate or something later.

I got home to find a dodgy MSN addition: anyone know who is? I'm not going to add them yet, although this does remind me that I still have to add Jason. I'll do that later, heh.

Never mind, Darren helped me narrow it down.

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