Monitor problems / Quizzes
my computer monitor blinked out yesterday... aiya!
at least I got to IM Stephen for a little while beforehand..
that was a nice experience, let me tell you..
therefore, I'm writing this from Oakridge library..
might go here or to Firehall every day now..
depends on my mood and other things I do..
doing a lot of reading and stuff now, though..
people may not hear as much from me..
I'm sorry I don't get to talk to them over IM and LJ..
guess we'll have to see what happens in future!
Dragon Ball Z Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are A European Dragon
What Species Of Dragon Are You? (W/ PICS. MANY OUTCOMES)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Earth Dragon. It is your sole thought to protect and nurture those close to you. There is a danger, however, in your selfless nature. As all trod upon the earth, you allow others to tread upon you. In your desire to protect others, you often forget to shield yourself from those who would take advantage of your giving spirit. Be not afraid to share your love with others, but be mindful of the intentions of those you help. Your greatest gift is the love you have to share and the lack of cynicism in your heart. However, this may also be your greatest downfall.
What type of Dragon are you? (Now with Pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla
You're so cool because you're straight edge. That means you are like a punk, except for the drugs and beer. Rock on.
do you think you're a punk? (take this quiz)
brought to you by Quizilla
Patricide Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
at least I got to IM Stephen for a little while beforehand..
that was a nice experience, let me tell you..
therefore, I'm writing this from Oakridge library..
might go here or to Firehall every day now..
depends on my mood and other things I do..
doing a lot of reading and stuff now, though..
people may not hear as much from me..
I'm sorry I don't get to talk to them over IM and LJ..
guess we'll have to see what happens in future!
Dragon Ball Z Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You Are A European Dragon
What Species Of Dragon Are You? (W/ PICS. MANY OUTCOMES)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Earth Dragon. It is your sole thought to protect and nurture those close to you. There is a danger, however, in your selfless nature. As all trod upon the earth, you allow others to tread upon you. In your desire to protect others, you often forget to shield yourself from those who would take advantage of your giving spirit. Be not afraid to share your love with others, but be mindful of the intentions of those you help. Your greatest gift is the love you have to share and the lack of cynicism in your heart. However, this may also be your greatest downfall.
What type of Dragon are you? (Now with Pictures!)
brought to you by Quizilla
You're so cool because you're straight edge. That means you are like a punk, except for the drugs and beer. Rock on.
do you think you're a punk? (take this quiz)
brought to you by Quizilla
Patricide Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: alcoholic drinks, computer, dragon ball, dragons, lj, quizilla, reading, sex, stephen
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