Jon as a fertility god / Quizzes
had a good time with friends last night..
talked about The Passion of the Christ and its facets..
evangelism, faith, updates, life, Eric's new Christianity..
Jon as a fertility god with all the food, Hon's lab work..
Adela's non-female cramps, my monitor problem, food..
Ty's durian thing, how his dad died when he was young..
Hon seeing Steph and Melissa on TV in Denver..
all in all, it was certainly an interesting night out..
I'd probably do it again too.. and will, indeed ;)

You are Schroeder!
Which Peanuts Character are You?
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I am 21% Metal Head

I am going to watch some more TRL and stay out of the mosh pit. I'll only get myself hurt. I'm a lamer. A RUSTY BOLT, in the metal world. A poser. A -real- metal head would kick my ass.
Take the Metal Head Test at

You are the Grunge Kid. You wear ripped jeans with
a flannel shirt around your waist. You don't
smell too good because you very rarely shower
and are the master of the Nintendo. You don't
get very good grades because you are usually
too stoned. You'd be cool if you washed.
What High School Stereotype Are You? (Now with images)
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You are a Sour Strawberry ~
Bitter and not quite ripe yet... A bit green around the edges. You have friends... you are just.... well..... mean.... kinda
The Strawberry Quiz
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You are my Legolas clique -- oooooh. Nuff said.
image quiz
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You will never know!!!
STD Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Dude, you're on my level. Welcome.
Hate Quiz
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the pointless quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Poet XD You're one of my best AIM buddies! :) You love the number 124, Vanilla Coke, and just being weird. You also use the emoticon "XD" a lot.
Another Pointless Quiz XD
brought to you by Quizilla
Not me. :P
You're energetic and fun. You don't like to miss a lot, which is why you choose a fun lifestyle. Keep it up! (If this doesn't fit you, uhh, sorry?)
My Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Lighten up. You are really serious about everything. Generally, if I met you, I would either pick on you, or try to help you get a life.
a quiz of no importance.
brought to you by Quizilla
~*Importance Quiz!*~
brought to you by Quizilla

I am Ferret -- I am playful happy and playful and sleepy. I like to *takes big breath* talk, play, and stuff and I drink liquid and.. and........ umm... and *falls asleep*
^_^ Pet Quiz ^_^
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a clock. You tick people off, and you're always slow.
Random Quiz!
brought to you by Quizilla
talked about The Passion of the Christ and its facets..
evangelism, faith, updates, life, Eric's new Christianity..
Jon as a fertility god with all the food, Hon's lab work..
Adela's non-female cramps, my monitor problem, food..
Ty's durian thing, how his dad died when he was young..
Hon seeing Steph and Melissa on TV in Denver..
all in all, it was certainly an interesting night out..
I'd probably do it again too.. and will, indeed ;)

You are Schroeder!
Which Peanuts Character are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am 21% Metal Head

I am going to watch some more TRL and stay out of the mosh pit. I'll only get myself hurt. I'm a lamer. A RUSTY BOLT, in the metal world. A poser. A -real- metal head would kick my ass.
Take the Metal Head Test at

You are the Grunge Kid. You wear ripped jeans with
a flannel shirt around your waist. You don't
smell too good because you very rarely shower
and are the master of the Nintendo. You don't
get very good grades because you are usually
too stoned. You'd be cool if you washed.
What High School Stereotype Are You? (Now with images)
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a Sour Strawberry ~
Bitter and not quite ripe yet... A bit green around the edges. You have friends... you are just.... well..... mean.... kinda
The Strawberry Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

You are my Legolas clique -- oooooh. Nuff said.
image quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You will never know!!!
STD Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Dude, you're on my level. Welcome.
Hate Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla

the pointless quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
You're Poet XD You're one of my best AIM buddies! :) You love the number 124, Vanilla Coke, and just being weird. You also use the emoticon "XD" a lot.
Another Pointless Quiz XD
brought to you by Quizilla
Not me. :P
You're energetic and fun. You don't like to miss a lot, which is why you choose a fun lifestyle. Keep it up! (If this doesn't fit you, uhh, sorry?)
My Personality Quiz
brought to you by Quizilla
Lighten up. You are really serious about everything. Generally, if I met you, I would either pick on you, or try to help you get a life.
a quiz of no importance.
brought to you by Quizilla
~*Importance Quiz!*~
brought to you by Quizilla

I am Ferret -- I am playful happy and playful and sleepy. I like to *takes big breath* talk, play, and stuff and I drink liquid and.. and........ umm... and *falls asleep*
^_^ Pet Quiz ^_^
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a clock. You tick people off, and you're always slow.
Random Quiz!
brought to you by Quizilla
Labels: aim, characters, comics, computer, death, drugs, durian, eric h., fellowship, fuali, jon, lord of the rings, maxed-out tags limit, melissa, movies, music, quizilla, random, smileys, steph
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