Saturday, May 16, 2009

LSD Dreams Simulator

Corey and I were bantering earlier, and he told me about an interesting video game...

[21:06:24] Flami: learning about martyrs: LSD :P
[21:11:24] Corey: the game?
[21:11:52] Flami: what game?
[21:12:01] Corey: LSD
[21:13:52] Flami: there's a game about that?
[21:15:06] Corey: LSD - Dream Simulator, or something like that. it's a Playstation game
[21:16:59] Flami: have you played it?
[21:17:38] Corey: I don't think so... I have it, though
[21:21:12] Flami: is it about the drug? sounds like it might be...
[21:22:26] Corey: Wikipedia article... it's like you're in a dream
[21:23:02] Corey: here's a playlist of someone playing the entire game :P
[21:25:07] Corey: it only came out in Japan, but I think it's supposed to be all English... or no text, or something like that

Leslie just took the Are You A Negative Person Quiz and is A Little Bit Negative. I am A Little Bit Negative. You are a little bit negative, but it's nothing to be worried about. There is always something once in a while that gets everyone down. Just be careful not to let yourself become too negative.

Facebook quizzes taken from Candace and Jennifer:

Leslie completed the quiz "Which THE HILLS female character are you?" with the result Heidi Montag. You like being in a relationship, even if the guy is a loser. You can be easily manipulated by people who want to control you. You have dumped a great friend for a boyfriend before, and then regretted it later. You have or will be given awesome opportunities in your career, but will give them up for your man. You have little self-confidence and few friends because of it. (That's a TERRIBLE result, man!)

Leslie completed the quiz "Which Leading Lady Are You?" with the result Ingrid Bergman. You are Ingrid Bergman. Dark and mysterious, you are not as dangerous as people make you out to be. You are truly a sweet person, but you can do things that shock people. Very independent, you live for the day only. What will come, will come. People admire your dark beauty and are very taken with you, though they may not know why. You are a strong personality.

Poo nugget for this weekend: Performance-Enhancing Poo ... Just Do It! Sometimes intentional, and triggered by our nerves other times, the Performance-Enhancing Poo is standard both for competitive athletes and for people with high-pressure presentations looming on the horizon. With empty bowels, you can run faster and jump higher. Similarly, the absence of poo in your colon will make your presentation crisper and diminish fears of an unscheduled pit stop or a loud gaseous emission. Although these poos may not have the grandeur of some, their timing is critically important. (POO OF THE MONTH!)

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