Thursday, February 19, 2004

Friday Five: Last Times

Friday Five: Last Times

When was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor?

On December 8 (a Monday), the day after my car accident. The doctor wanted to check if my mom and I were basically all right.

2. ...went to the dentist?

On Feb. 3 (a Tuesday), to get a cavity filled. Wasn't as bad as I'd been expecting.. thank goodness the cavity was teeny. :D

3. ...filled your gas tank?

N/A, as I don't drive. But the last time I was at a gas station was last Saturday (Feb. 14), because Dave had to fill up his tank at the non-cheap prices. Does that count? :D

4. enough sleep?

Oh boy.. I'd say sometime last week when I got almost 12 hours sleep. Yes, I sleep too much.. and am apparently putting myself at prime risk for cancer or other similar diseases. Eh well... I guess you only live once. ;)

5. ...backed up your computer?

Way too long ago.. I should do it more often, haha.

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