Cast of characters 1: Church A-M

List written on February 2, 2007.
This is most likely incomplete, but I don't really care so long as it gives you a general idea. Of course, this will be updated a lot in future! If you're not included in the relevant section, please don't take it personally. I can hardly include ALL the people I mention in here. :P
Church People
Adam L.: Andrew L.'s twin. Used to call me "Lassie" years ago in VBS. (as in the TV dog, people!)
Alan: Tracy's boyfriend, who likes working out a lot. His family lives in Prince Rupert.
Amos: Jason W.'s brother, and an Awana secretary. Used to be my brother's violin / piano student. His mom is Auntie Sarah, not the same one as Jonathan's mom.
Andrea L.: Jason L. and Janette's younger sister. I don't know her that well.
Andrea T.: Sherman's older sister. She's very humble and an encouragement to me.
Andrew L.: Adam L.'s twin, and an Awana secretary. He also used to call me "Lassie" years ago in VBS. (as in the TV dog, people!)
Andrew T.: Anita T. and Lawrence's brother. He's the youngest Awana leader ever!
Angus: Melia's boyfriend, who loves football.
Anita T.: Lawrence and Andrew T.'s older sister.
Anita W.: Jeff's wife, and the respected Awana Commander. Loves to cook!
Benedict: An Awana leader, he used to be my brother's piano student. He quit after three weeks, and was a big kid even in Grade 8!
Benjamin: Billy and Stella's son. As of this post, he's a year old! So cute!
Billy: Stella's husband, who works in the pharmaceutical industry. Mom: Auntie Soo, who's a hairdresser.
Brian M.: Denise and Julie M.'s brother. Gets annoyed easily with Sean and others! Parents: Uncle Chris and Auntie Cecilia.
Chalaine: Sheena's younger sister. She also helps out with the kids, and seems quiet at times.
Chris Lam: Auntie Fonda's son, and Vivian Lam's older brother. Goes out with Sabrina L.
Chris T.: The drummer for the various music programs at church. Loves his hockey pool. Parents: Uncle Patrick (not the same one as Jonathan's dad) and Auntie Esther.
Christon: Loves his Nintendo Wii! Pretty good friends with Nathan and Sheena.
Chrystal: Emily C.'s older sister. She's an Awana leader, went to Korea to teach English for almost a year in 2005-2006, and thinks I spoil all the kids!
Chuck: Andrea T.'s boyfriend. He's currently in Toronto doing doctor stuff.
Chung Yan: One of my long-time friends, he was born on Christmas Day! He'll be married to Karen S. during Spring Break.
Cindy: Dianne's younger sister, who loves kids!
Citrus: Cordia's older brother, who loves Danielle and hockey! The church botanist chose his name, and also chose my middle name and those of my siblings. Parents: Uncle Rex and Auntie Christina (not the same one as Megan and Wayland's mom).
Clement: Justin's younger brother, who also loves hockey and bubble tea. Parents: Uncle Sam (who's an orthodontist and loves golf) and Auntie Susanna.
Connie: Winnie and Jenny's youngest sister. Jenny used to say that she was her birthday present, haha.
Cordia: Hangs around Quan and Joyce a LOT. Those three are inseparable! Parents: Uncle Rex and Auntie Christina (not the same one as Megan and Wayland's mom).
Dallas: Jon's friend from Toronto. Chose his own name when he came to Canada, and has Drake and Willard for nicknames. Cooks for the Sunday dinners because Jon can't resist durian, haha.
Daniel: Michelle's husband, who really has a love for God's people.
Danielle: Thinks hockey is pretty boring, and definitely doesn't want to hear about it all day from the guys and my sister! Has a brother named Jody, and hails from Alberta.
Danny K.: Helen K.'s husband, who works in Richmond.
Danny W.: One of the Awana games leaders, he's good friends with Henry / Benedict / Chris Lam.
Darren C.: Erin's youngest brother. Wants to be at the top in the hockey pool, I think! Parents: Uncle Eric and Auntie Brenda.
David He: Very smart guy! Definitely appreciates his friends and hockey! He has a girlfriend named Tiffany. Parents: Uncle George and Auntie Grace.
David Ho: Quan and Hien's brother, who also used to be my favorite kid. Mom: Auntie Ping. (dad died when she was pregnant with David)
David M.: Married to Rosenda, he loves sports! I've known him for a LONG time! Mom: Auntie May. (dad doesn't go to church)
Dawn: Old family friend. She loves hanging out with her friends (especially Vivian and Jen), and of course her boyfriend Eni! Parents: Uncle Albert and Auntie Betty, who currently live in Hong Kong with her brother Geoffrey.
Denise: Brian and Julie M.'s oldest sister. She used to follow certain boy bands / wrestlers around town when they'd come here, and had several photo albums to show for it! Parents: Uncle Chris and Auntie Cecilia.
Dianne: Cindy's older sister... she tends to get rather hyper at times!
Dylan L.: A very serious guy who takes his Christianity personally, and always forgets his own birthday! He DOES have funny stories associated with him, and some noticeable foibles!
Eddie: Billy's youngest brother and Eunice's boyfriend, who loves to travel a lot. Mom: Auntie Soo, who's a hairdresser. Not to be confused with Eddie in email address books, since their names are so similar... only three letters off! (their last names are the same)
Edwin: Used to play the violin, and is Karen Grace's brother. Is / was good friends with Sean and Brian. Not to be confused with Edwin in email address books, since their names are so similar... only three letters off! (their last names are the same)
Elaine M.: The youngest Marr child, she's moved to Hawaii for work. She's one of Andrea T.'s best friends. Mom: Auntie May. (dad doesn't go to church)
Elaine S.: Julie S.'s younger sister, who is also an Awana leader. Her mom is Auntie Cynthia.
Emily C.: Chrystal's younger sister. She LOVES being crazy and silly!
Emily L.: Joey's younger sister. She seems pretty perky!
Eric H.: Fay's boyfriend, and a long-time friend of Nathan's. He loves hockey and hanging out with his friends when time allows. AKA "Chinese Eric."
Eric M.: He definitely has long-term standing in the Richmond Crew. Loves Homestar Runner, hockey, teasing me about things (one situation in particular), and going out with people. His parents are Ron and Veronica... his younger brother is Kieran. AKA "White Eric" / "Backwards Male" / "Diven" / "Enrico Morrilloslav."
Eric T.: Loves playing the saxophone and musical instruments in general. Has a band, and is Stanley's older brother. His parents help clean the church on weekends, and we usually get in their way!
Erin: Loves hanging out with her friends, especially my sister / Jessica / Karen Grace / Margaret L. Can't wait till next month when she's back from L'Arche! Parents: Uncle Eric and Auntie Brenda.
Esther: Anita W.'s younger sister. She's married to Wes, and helps out with the ESC toddlers at church.
Ethan H.: Mike H.'s son. He loves to play, and took a picture of his new baby sister Seren with someone's digicam when he was two years old!
Ethan L.: Michelle L.'s son. He kinda looks like he should be twins with his older brother Ryan, haha. They're really only a year and eight months apart.
Eunice: One of the long-time members of the Richmond Crew, she loves hair. Although maybe not so much now that she's gone through hairdressing school. :P Parents: Uncle Richard and Auntie Gloria, who don't go to our church anymore due to various schisms.
Evelyn: Teresa C.'s younger daughter. Likes pink.
Fay: Eric H.'s girlfriend. They overcame five years or so of distance and its attendant problems to be here together finally! Maybe I'll get to know her better in the future, too!
Fidela: Justin and Clement's younger sister. She's in Chicago right now, and loves all her friends a LOT! Always has a smile for someone! Parents: Uncle Sam (who's an orthodontist and loves golf) and Auntie Susanna.
Frances: Sophia, David, and Elaine's oldest sister. She likes serving in the Fellowship, and has a kind word to say every time I see her. Mom: Auntie May. (dad doesn't go to church)
Gwyneth: Teresa C.'s older daughter. Wants me to come over for dinner half the time I see her, haha.
Hannah L.: Lily and Lee's daughter. She's so cute with her long eyelashes and big eyes!
Hannah W.: The Chinese pastor's older daughter. She likes pink and bugging her sister Priscilla.
Helen C.: Joe T.'s wife... busy with her kids! Likes being a doctor, I believe.
Helen K.: Nicholas' mom, and Danny K.'s wife. She's been a great friend to me!
Henry: My now-ride to Awana. Seems quiet, but he's generally reliable!
Hien: Quan's younger sister, who's going through the typical teen angst stage right now. She usually says hi to me, though. Mom: Auntie Ping. (dad died when she was pregnant with David)
Hunter: Someone in the Chinese congregation, who loves guitar and being an Awana leader.
Ian L.: Sean L.'s older brother, who talks to me sometimes when I say hi. Cute kid, if maybe a bit shy. Parents: John and Ada.
Ian M.: David and Rosenda's son. I don't see him a whole lot, but he's cute!
Isabel: Vivian and Karen's cousin. She currently lives at Nathan's because it's closer to UBC for her.
Ivan C.: Karen Choo's husband. He's a doctor, and loves playing hockey!
Ivan W.: Natalie and Nathan's older brother. Would LIKE to have his sound system / phone back, but can't have those items right now. Friend of Mark, Chris, Sam, and Darren.
Jackie: She has a LOT of hyper energy, and likes jazz / singing.
Janette: Jason L.'s younger sister, whose name isn't pronounced "Janet."
Jason L.: Janette and Andrea L.'s older brother, who used to be on the Fellowship committee.
Jason M.: Got addicted to Facebook just by joining ONE group about Mark Ho, and loves the hockey pool.
Jason W.: Amos' older brother, who also used to be my brother's student. His mom is Auntie Sarah, not the same one as Jonathan's mom.
Jason Y.: He likes jogging, and loves drawing. (he ran the half-marathon at least once!)
Jeff: Anita's husband, and a police officer. Could be my sister's future boss, even!
Jen: Originally Nathan's friend from Toronto. She loves soccer (football) and drinking. (but she is NOT an alkie, despite my brother's jokes to that effect in the past!) Her mom is Auntie Beatrice.
Jenny: The middle Su sister, she's currently doing her medical residency. Very busy!
Jeremy J.: What can I say about the Durian Dude who likes making his own beer and Pho? He is originally Jon's friend from the UBC Campus Crusade for Christ gatherings. AKA "White Jeremy."
Jeremy Y.: Sam's younger brother, who falls asleep during car rides. Parents: Uncle Joel and Auntie Cissy.
Jessica Lam: A good friend of my sister's, with Karen Grace / Erin / Margaret L. AKA "Jee" / "Jee-Lame."
Joe T.: Helen C.'s husband. He seems to be talkative enough!
Joe Y.: Our former pastoral intern, who's gone on to pastor at another church.
Joey: Emily L.'s older brother. He likes basketball, and driving around with his friends.
John Lam: Sophia's husband. I don't talk to him that often, heh.
Jon: My brother... I could say a lot about him, but won't. :P AKA "Ug" / "Ugfart" / "Flime."
Jonathan: My brother's current violin student, and a real handful. Loves computer stuff, hockey, and getting spoiled by his grandparents. Parents: Uncle Patrick (not the same one as Chris T.'s dad) and Auntie Sarah (not the same one as Amos and Jason's mom).
Joshua: Tim and Maxine's older son, born in August 2005. He's so cute!
Joyce N.: Cordia and Quan's best friend ever! Seems to have a quirky sense of humor, from what I've seen.
Julie C.: An Awana kid, who used to like whipping Mike K. Not in that way! Mom: Auntie Tonya. (dad's in Hong Kong)
Julie M.: Denise and Brian's youngest sister. She likes me and is currently doing university in Alberta. Parents: Uncle Chris and Auntie Cecilia.
Julie S.: Elaine S.'s sister, and also an Awana leader. Her mom is Auntie Cynthia.
Justin: Clement and Fidela's oldest brother. He's in training to become a police officer, I think. Loves hockey and video games. Parents: Uncle Sam (who's an orthodontist and loves golf) and Auntie Susanna.
Karen Chan: Used to go out with Jason Y. Likes decorating her townhouse.
Karen Choo: Ivan C.'s wife. A lawyer by profession, she also loves whipping up yummy refreshments for us all to enjoy!
Karen Grace: Is one of my sister's good friends, along with Jessica / Erin / Margaret L.
Karen Lew: Vivian's sister. Loves ice cream. Parents: Uncle Wayne and Auntie Susan.
Karen S.: Works for Channel M, the multicultural channel. I don't know her very well, unfortunately.
Kevin: He's in the food industry, and could tell you a lot of health inspection stories!
Lawrence: Anita T.'s younger brother. Seems to like online gaming, if what he talks about is any indication!
Lee: Lily's husband. (I was about to put "Lily's wife," haha) Likes LOTR.
Lesley: The OTHER one with my name. At least we know to spell our names, even when it seems half our friends forget!
Lily: Lee's wife. I like her because she seems gentle and kind. She also loves chocolate, because she seemed to like the "chocolate" sticker I put on her birthday card envelope once years ago! (no kidding... the sticker actually said "chocolate"... it wasn't a fake chocolate sticker!)
Maisie: A nice woman at church, although she's a bit "challenged."
Margaret K.: Mike K.'s younger sister. She used to be my favorite kid, until she grew out of that position. Loves playing guitar. Parents: Uncle Johnny and Auntie Shirley.
Margaret L.: Definitely loves shopping and bubble tea!
Mark Ho: Friend of all the teen boys I mention regularly in here. Plays the piano for service very irregularly.
Mark J.: Jeremy J.'s younger brother, who likes reading about true crime. Sweet!
Maxine: Tim's wife. She's pretty busy with her two kids, but always has a smile for me when I see her around!
Megan C.: Wayland's older sister, and Phil's ex. (they went out for five years, mostly long-distance!) Has a very gentle spirit and is currently teaching. Parents: Uncle Daniel and Auntie Christina (not the same one as Citrus and Cordia's mom).
Megan T.: Baby Megan is so cute! She likes imitating you and learning how you react to things!
Melia: Phil's younger sister. She's currently the Awana Sparks director, and loves being silly with her cousin Emily. Parents: Uncle Peter and Auntie Ying.
Merle: Angus' sister. Seems to like the people around here.
Michelle L.: Ryan and Ethan L.'s mom. Her husband Gary died at 33 of liver cancer a couple years back.
Michelle T.: Daniel's wife. She loves laughing, although she hates it when my sister makes her deaf!
Mike H.: Someone who used to go to our church until various schisms made him leave. His kids are still in Awana here, and it's always nice to see the family!
Mike K.: Margaret K.'s older brother. Loves technology and computers in general, according to what I hear from his friends! Parents: Uncle Johnny and Auntie Shirley.
Mike Tse: Emily C.'s boyfriend. I love his smile and cheerfulness! (not in that way, you perverts!)
Minli: She used to go to our church years ago. Dunno what happened to her, but she was always nice to me. :)
Labels: adam, amos, benedict, cast of characters, cecilia, chalaine, chrystal, chung yan, clement, connie, dallas, denise, friends, helen, jackie, jeremy, maxed-out tags limit, michelle, quan, tim
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